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Update: Professional development for Learn Local educators: Using a Project Based Learning approach to develop Foundations Skills

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Training, Skills and Higher Education

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Adult education institutions
  • ACFE Division staff
  • Registered Learn Local providers

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, ACFE Division

Date: 3 April 2023

Subject: Update: professional development for Learn Local educators; Using a Project Based Learning approach to develop Foundations Skills

Actions/Key Dates:

Pre-accredited program educators: your registration is still possible for a six -sessions professional development program on Project Based Learning using the attached form.

Registrations have been extended to COB 20 April 2023 for the professional development program on Project Based Learning (PBL) for Learn Local educators working in pre-accredited language, literacy, numeracy, employability and digital skills programs, and the start date to 4 May.

All six sessions of the PBL PD Program will be available both online via zoom and in person at Victoria University City Tower 370 Little Lonsdale St Melbourne.

This is a valuable opportunity to work closely with your peers to constructively review your teaching practice with the potential to amend or improve practices and approaches in facilitating the development of foundation skills of your learners.

Project Based Learning (PBL) is an evidence-based approach to student centred and inclusive learning. It supports a key focus area of the ACFE Board Strategy 2020 to 2025 in relation to the quality delivery of literacy, numeracy, English language, employability and digital skills.

The PD program includes six interactive workshops attended online via zoom or in person at Victoria University:

14th May 10:00 am -11:30 amIntroduction to Project Based Learning (PBL) theory
21st June10.00am -11.30amAnalysis and discussion of PBL research
36th July 10.00am -1.30pmPBL steps – Part 1
47th September10.00am -1.30pmPBL steps – Part 2
512th October10.00am -1.30pmPresentations and sharing of learnings
62nd November10.00am -1.30pmPresentations and sharing of learnings and how outcomes can be applied to practice in the longer term

Participants attending all six sessions will receive a statement of completion.

Pre-accredited program educators, don’t miss out on this is a valuable opportunity to work closely with your peers to constructively review your teaching practice with the potential to amend or improve practices and approaches in facilitating development of the foundation skills of your learners.

Review the recording and other materials that explain the 2023 PD on Project Based Learning here

Register to participate in the PBL PD using the attached form.

Note: having two teachers from the one Learn Local in the program may increase its value as the participants can provide collegiate support to each other’s professional learning.


Updated PBL professional development registration form
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