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4.3 Administration

In relation to the administration of Stolen Generations Reparations in Victoria, the Steering Committee makes the following recommendations.

Recommendation 17

The Steering Committee recommends that the Department that administers Stolen Generations Reparations have quality experience in providing monetary compensation packages, have high standards of engagement and providing culturally appropriate, trauma informed services to Aboriginal people in Victoria.

The Bringing Them Home Report stated that ‘Whatever compensation mechanism is established, culturally appropriate assessment criteria and procedures which are expeditious, non-confrontational and non-threatening and which respect and accommodate cultural and linguistic needs, must be applied in the determination of compensation claims.’195

Recommendation 18

The Steering Committee recommends that administrative guidelines are developed to oversee the operational function of the Stolen Generations Reparations package.

It is recommended that the guidelines are developed by the administrating Department in line with the recommendations in this report and advice provided by the Stolen Generations Advisory Committee (detailed in 4.2 Accountability and Evaluation, recommendation 14). This is recommended due to the lengthy process involved in developing legislative guidelines to oversee Reparations.

Recommendation 19

The Steering Committee recommends that the cost of administration come from an external budget to ensure the Stolen Generations Reparations package is able to provide recognition worthy of the Stolen Generations experience.

Further information on the administrative cost modelling of Stolen Generations Reparations will be provided in the Finity Consulting final report for the Steering Committee in late June 2021. It is noted here that administrative costs will need to be frontloaded to ensure that the high number of applications expected in the initial phase of Reparations can be processed with the expediency recommended in 4.8 Assessment of applications, recommendation 28.

Recommendation 20

The Steering Committee recommends that the Stolen Generations Reparations package be open to applications for 5 years to ensure that there is a lengthy window for applications.

End notes

195 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1997, Bringing Them Home Report
