Establish a project's background, constraints and goals and build rapport with decision makers.
- To understand project constraints, business objectives and delivery priorities.
- To build rapport with key stakeholders.
- To document assumptions, opinions and priorities for the project.
- To gain alignment between different stakeholder groups.
- To address misalignment early in the project.
What you get
- An understanding of why the project has been initiated.
- Documented constraints and goals, according to key stakeholders.
- Early understanding of anticipated project challenges or barriers.
- Hearing about project priorities and motivations in the stakeholder’s own words.
- Key decision makers are engaged early in the project.
- Helps with identifying and addressing any misalignment in project expectations early on.
- Misalignments can be identified but are difficult to resolve in interviews.
- Project delays may occur if stakeholder groups are large.
- It can be difficult to access or get the time of senior stakeholders.
Toolkits and resources