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High-fidelity prototyping


A method to test and finalise the details of a design.


  • To ensure key stakeholders agree on the goals of a project.
  • To ensure the project team is aware of the underlying vision and motivation for doing the work.
  • To document key milestones and desired outcomes.
  • To agree on roles and responsibilities on the project.

What you get

  • An agreed-upon set of assumptions and expectations for the project.
  • Documented timelines, milestones and ways of working.
  • A briefing document for the project team to refer to.


  • Helps build momentum around an idea before launch.
  • Gains confidence that the details of a design are usable.


  • May not consider implementation constraints.


High-fidelity prototypes should always be tested with users so that flaws in a design are fixed before implementation.

Toolkits and resources
