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Whole of government snapshot 2020-21

Whole of government snapshot 2020-21

  • Download 'Whole of government snapshot 2020-21'
  • 370,000 workers across more than 6,000 organisations are prescribed to the MARAM Framework since April 2021.
  • MARAM online systems facilitated the completion of 54,000 risk assessments and safety plans.
  • The Victorian Government allocated $97 million in the State Budget 2021-22 to support Phase 2 implementation of MARAM, FVISS and CISS*.
  • The inaugural MARAM Annual Survey of Organisations distributed to 800 organisations prescribed under Phase 1 of the MARAM rollout.
  • More than 1,000 professionals consulted in several rounds for the development of adult perpetrator-focused Practice Guides throughout 2020-21.
  • 13,871 workers have received MARAM training in 2020-21 across all MARAM modules.
  • 21,528 workers have received MARAM training across all MARAM modules from inception to the end of June 2021.
  • The Central Information Point (CIP) delivered 4,023 reports in 2020-21.
  • The Central Information Point (CIP) delivered over 10,200 reports from inception to the end of June 2021.

*announced in May 2021 for implementation in 2021/22.
