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Appendix 7: Abbreviations

ACCO Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations

AJG Aboriginal Justice Group

AOD Alcohol and other drugs

BCH Ballarat Community Health

CALD Culturally and linguistically diverse

CAV Consumer Affairs Victoria

CCS Community Correctional Services

ChCV Children’s Court of Victoria

CHP Council to Homeless People

CHS Community Health Services

CIP Central Information Point

CISS Child Information Sharing Scheme

CMS Case Management System

CRM Customer Relationship Management

CV Corrections Victoria

DET Department of Education and Training

DFFH Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

DHHS Department of Health and Human Services

DJC Disability Justice Coordinator

DJSC Department of Justice and Community Safety

DH Department of Health

DPC Department of Premier and Cabinet

DV Vic Domestic Violence Victoria

DVRCV Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

EACPI Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions

EMH Elizabeth Morgan House

EPC Early Parenting Centre

FCP Financial Counselling Program

FSV Family Safety Victoria

FVI Family Violence Initiative

FVIO Family Violence Intervention Orders

FVISS Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme

FVPA Family Violence Protection Act

FVR Family Violence Report used by Victoria Police

FVRIC Family Violence Regional Integration Committee

HSP Health Service Provider

ISE Information Sharing Entities

JS Justice Services

KWP Koori Women’s Place

L17 Family Violence Report

LGBTIQA+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer and asexual communities

MACNI Multiple and Complex Needs Initiative

MARAM Multiagency Risk Assessment and Management Framework and the Family Violence Information Sharing reforms

MARAM Framework Multiagency Risk Assessment and Management Framework

MCH Maternal and Child Health

MCV Magistrates’ Court of Victoria

NCSG Northern Community Support Group

NJP Ngarra Jarranounith Place

NTV No to Violence

PASS Perpetrator Accommodation and Support Service

PSAs Principal Strategic Advisors

RAP Rolling Action Plan

RAEs Risk Assessment Entities

RAMPs Risk Assessment Management Panels

SABTS Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services

SASS Sexual Assault Support Services

SFVA Specialist Family Violence Advisors

SFVC Specialist Family Violence Courts

SFVS Specialist Family Violence Service

SHIP Specialist Homelessness Information Platform

SHRFV Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence

TAAP Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program

TRAM Tools for Risk Assessment and Management

VACCA Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency

VACSAL Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd

VAP Victim Assistance Program

VET Vocational Education and Training
VOC Victims of Crime

VRQA Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority

VSAC Victim Survivors Advisory Council

VSO Victim Support Officer

VSSR Victim Services, Support and Reform

WoVG Whole of Victoria Government

YSAS Youth Support and Advocacy Service
