‘If you’re recruiting a role often, then essentially you can think about other applications or other individuals that you’ve interviewed whilst interviewing your current role.’
– Anna Skeels, NGO Recruitment
Shortlisting applicants is an important step in the recruitment process. It decides which candidates make it to the next stage.
Top tips for shortlisting
- Use a standard application form and scoring procedure to assess whether applicants meet the key selection criteria.
- Consider candidates who show the potential to meet all key selection criteria through training.
- For those who are not successful, consider developing a talent pool (with the applicant’s permission) of those who may be suitable for another position.1
- Ensure you communicate with unsuccessful candidates as soon as possible. This will increase the likelihood of them applying for future roles at your organisation.
‘The more you can be involved, and the more you can communicate with your applicants, the easier it’s going to be for you to identify those who don’t necessarily look perfect on paper, but you could otherwise miss.’
– Matthew Quinn, Anglicare Victoria
Tackling bias
Research shows that we often make decisions on instinct before we are even aware of it. Unless we understand and account for our biases, we may make decisions about the candidate without realising. Removing bias in the shortlisting process will increase the likelihood that the pool of candidates will be a more diverse group.2
To tackle bias, de-identify applications by removing information that is not relevant to an applicant’s fitness for the role. This could include the applicant’s name, age and other personal details.2 To do this, ask someone who is not on the interview panel to remove these details before you look at the applications.
1. State Services Authority, Best practice recruitment selection methodology and tools(opens in a new window), Victorian Public Sector Commission, 2007, p. 35, accessed 13 January 2023.
2. Department of Premier and Cabinet and Centre for Ethical Leadership, University of Melbourne, Recruit smarter: report of findings(opens in a new window), Victorian Government website, 2018, p. 12, accessed 13 January 2023.