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Recommendation 6: Increase the application of non-burning fuel management treatments

Find out what the government is doing in response to this recommendation from the IGEM Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian bushfire season: Phase 1 report.

The actions on this page are identified in the Victorian Government response to Recommendation 6 from the IGEM Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season - Phase 1 report.

IGEM Recommendation 6: Non-burning fuel management

The Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) recommends that the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (or the single entity referenced in Recommendation 4) – supported by other organisations with a legislated responsibility for fuel management – plan for and increase the application of non-burning fuel management treatments including mechanical means.

The annual fuel management report should include the non-burn component of fuel management treatment, track annual change, and provide a comparison to the previous three years.


Action 6.1: Expand the permanent network of strategic fuel breaks across Victoria

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning is enhancing Victoria’s network of strategic fuel breaks and is planning for how this can be expanded further in preparation for the 2020-21 fire season.

The creation and maintenance of strategic fuel breaks is a key mechanical treatment as Victoria adapts to the reduced window available for planned burning due to climate change.

Action 6.2: Report on additional data regarding the non-burn component of fuel management treatment on public land

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning will include additional data regarding the non-burn component of fuel management treatment on public land, track annual change, and provide a comparison to the previous 3 years as detailed in DELWP’s 2019-20 fuel management report.

Action 6.3: Identify key arterial roads that provide strategic advantage for firefighting and conduct risk reduction works

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning will work in partnership with DoT, other road and rail managers, the Country Fire Authority and local government to identify key arterial roads that provide strategic advantage for firefighting, and work together to conduct priority fuel treatment works ahead of the 2020-21 fire season.

Action 6.4: Increase investment in non-burning fuel management treatment, including mechanical treatment

The Victorian Government will increase its investment in non-burning fuel management treatment, including mechanical treatment, through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Country Fire Authority, Department of Transport and local government.

Action 6.5: Expand the permanent network of strategic fuel breaks across Victoria

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning will expand the permanent network of strategic fuel breaks across Victoria by December 2022.

Action 6.6: Continue to deliver year-round fuel management activities and enhance bushfire first attack capacity

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning will continue to deliver an expanded 365-day per year fuel management program to respond to earlier and longer bushfire seasons and enhance Victoria’s first attack capacity including personnel, plant and equipment.

Action 6.7: Develop a strategy for the transition and retention of forestry contractors and their specialist skills

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning will develop a strategy for the transition and retention of forestry contractors by June 2021. This will ensure ready availability of specialist skills and machinery for the creation of fuel breaks, removal of hazardous trees and reopening of roads remain available to support bushfire and emergency management operations.

Action 6.8: Increase investment in the management of hazardous trees to ensure safe forest access for firefighters

The Victorian Government will increase its investment in:

  • the construction and maintenance of public land roads and bridges (for example, upgrading timber structures to fire-resistant materials)
  • management of hazardous trees
  • vehicles and equipment to ensure that firefighters can safely access the forest for fire prevention
  • preparedness
  • fuel management (including planned burning and mechanical treatment)
  • suppression and recovery operations under conditions of increased fire frequency and intensity.

These activities are targeted at improving access to public native forests.

Action 6.9: Identify and conduct fuel management along major arterial roads to complement strategic fuel breaks

To complement new fuel breaks on public land, DELWP and DoT will work in partnership to identify, prioritise and conduct fuel management along major arterial roads where road positioning provides strategic advantage for bushfire suppression.

Action 6.10: Investigate vegetation management measures that support both biodiversity conservation and fuel reduction

Department of Transport will also investigate vegetation management measures for the benefit of both biodiversity conservation and fuel reduction, such as the removal of invasive shrubs and the restoration of low biomass native grasslands.

An update on these actions can be found in IGEM's progress report
