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Recommendation 2: Update the 2012-13 State Emergency Risk Assessment

Find out what the government is doing in response to this recommendation from the IGEM Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria's emergency management sector report.

The actions on this page are identified in the Victorian Government response to Recommendation 2 from the IGEM Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria's emergency management sector report.

IGEM Recommendation 2: Risk assessment

The Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) recommends that Emergency Management Victoria, in collaboration with the community and emergency management sector:

  • updates the 2012-2013 State Emergency Risk Assessment to include strategic and operational elements of emergency management. This should consider:
    • place-based risk assessment developed through the community risk assessment process
    • consequence management capability across the sector
    • existing risk models for natural and human-induced hazards
  • provides guidance and support for the sector on how to incorporate the updated risk assessment in emergency management planning, policy development, decision-making and assurance activities.


By October 2020, Emergency Management Victoria will release an updated Emergency Risk in Victoria report. The report will:

  • identify the highest priority risks in Victoria at a state level
  • inform actions and activities to be undertaken to mitigate these risks
  • manage the consequences where risks cannot be mitigated.

Action 2.2: Deliver the Victorian State Emergency Management Plan for the management of state level risks

Emergency Management Victoria will deliver the first Victorian State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) in September 2020. This will set out arrangements to manage the impacts of these risks before, during and after emergencies at a state level.

Action 2.3: Publish guidelines to facilitate development of Municipal and Regional Emergency Management Plans

Guidelines to facilitate the development of Regional and Municipal Emergency Management Plans (REMPs) will be published in September 2020.

Action 2.4: Develop and update Regional and Municipal Emergency Management Plans through planning committees

Using these Guidelines, Emergency Management Victoria and sector partners will support regional emergency management planning committees to develop and endorse REMPs by December

Action 2.5: Revise Municipal Emergency Management Plans on a 3-year rolling program of assurance

By December 2023, as part of the 3-year rolling program of assurance, the Municipal Emergency Management Plans (MEMPs) will be revised by local government and community representatives, using existing risk assessment processes that align with the national risk assessment guidelines and consider state and regional assessments.

Action 2.6: Develop a contemporary and systemic approach to identifying and mitigating emergency risk across Victoria

In 2022, Emergency Management Victoria will lead the development of a contemporary and systemic approach to identifying and mitigating risk across Victoria.

This approach will consider key drivers of change and make use of predictive forecasting tools to inform data analytics and intelligence.

It will establish partnerships with other jurisdictions and research organisations to establish and embed world-leading practice for risk assessment and the technological interdependence of systems and services.

For more information, refer to the IGEM progress report
