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Professional development in the application of Project Based Learning in Learn Local pre-accredited Programs

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Training, Skills and Higher Education

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Adult Education Institutions
  • ACFE Division staff
  • Registered Learn Local providers

From: Jane Ward A/Executive Director ACFE Division

Date: 15 February 2023

Subject: Professional development in the application of Project Based Learning in Learn Local pre-accredited Programs

Actions and critical dates

Using the attached form, Learn Local managers register to attend a 1-hour webinar on Wednesday 1 March at 11.00am to learn about the Project Based Learning program for their pre-accredited practitioners.

The ACFE Board is funding an extended professional learning program on Project Based Learning in 2023.

Project Based Learning supports the ACFE Board strategic focus area on quality core skills training through a range of formalised, responsive delivery models strategy.

Project Based Learning (PBL) is an evidence-based program, built on student centred and inclusive learning.

Who the is the Project Based Learning professional learning program for?

The PBL extended professional learning program incorporates an examination of research on the PBL approach and its practical application with Learn Local learners. It will be delivered by Victoria University Polytechnic.

It is for Learn Local teachers, working in pre-accredited language, literacy, numeracy, employability and digital literacy programs, who wish to continue their professional development . Participants should have ongoing access to a regular group of learners for the applied component of the program.

Ideally there would be two participants from each Learn Local to better support peer learning and professional learning of other colleagues in the organisation.

Managers to register to attend this session to learn all about it

Learn Local managers are invited to attend a webinar on Wednesday 1 March at 11.00am to find out about the extended professional learning program on Project Based Learning to run this year.

The webinar session will cover:

  • an overview of the program
  • benefits to teachers and learners
  • ways to support participating teachers from your centre, as they trial various aspects of a Project Based Learning approach over the duration of the program

To register for the session please complete the:

PBL Manager Registration Form 2023
Word 214.93 KB
(opens in a new window)

Registrations close 23 February 2023.
