As we look to the future of LGBTIQA+ equality in Victoria, it is important to know where we have come from and what progress we have made.
Aboriginal LGBTIQA+ Victorians have lived on these lands for more than 60,000 years. While we look at recent progress, it is crucial to recognise the thousands of years of LGBTIQA+ Aboriginal history that has come before this.
Over the past five decades, we have seen significant shifts towards LGBTIQA+ equality, particularly in the past 20 years. These changes reflect decades of campaigning by LGBTIQA+ older people and emerging leaders, activists, allies and advocates. They also show a government commitment to equality that has seen Victoria referred to as the Equality State. More recent reforms recognise inequalities across the diversity of LGBTIQA+ cohorts and groups.
Understanding LGBTIQA+ progress in Victoria gives a glimpse into the history of LGBTIQA+ repression and ongoing struggles for equality. Discrimination was often enshrined in the state’s law and institutions. The LGBTIQA+ strategy is the logical next step in advancing LGBTIQA+ equality in Victoria, ensuring a coordinated response across the Victorian Government.
‘We need to pay full respect to our elders – acknowledging their pioneering work in our communities, leading the way.’
Workshop participant, LGBTIQA+ elders consultation
