Victoria’s first whole-of-government LGBTIQA+ strategy, Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ strategy 2022-32, provides the vision and plan to drive equality and inclusion for Victoria’s diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) communities within all aspects of government work over the next decade.
LGBTIQA+ people and their allies have long fought for legal changes through grassroots campaigns to promote acceptance and understanding. Their tireless work – and recent progress – means Victorian LGBTIQA+ people, communities and organisations enjoy more freedoms and acceptance than as little as five years ago.
Over the past decade our understanding of LGBTIQA+ communities and diversity has grown. People who were on the margins of rainbow communities are now enjoying more inclusion. Like all Victorians, LGBTIQA+ people are diverse in multiple ways. This includes their culture, education, ability, where they live, ethnicity and faith. The understanding of LGBTIQA+ communities and diversity will continue to evolve and be enriched in the years to come.
We have made great progress towards creating a fairer Victoria for LGBTIQA+ communities and understanding LGBTIQA+ diversity. But LGBTIQA+ people continue to face unacceptable levels of discrimination and inequality in their everyday lives.
Discrimination and inequality have real effects for the one in 20 Victorians who openly identify as LGBTIQ+1. For example, they face greater social, health, wellbeing and economic challenges than the general population.
At the extreme, 73.2 per cent of LGBTQ+ Victorians have thought about taking their own life and 28.1 per cent have attempted suicide2. This experience is even more common among those who have been harassed or abused. This cannot go unaddressed.
Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ communities – in all their diversity – show strength and resilience even while facing systemic, widespread and ongoing prejudice. These communities overlap with each other and across many aspects of people’s lived experience.
We spoke with and listened to LGBTIQA+ leaders, organisational representatives, advocates and individuals. Their experiences and voices lay at the heart of the LGBTIQA+ strategy. Within government, we have a duty to lead in making the laws, policies and services of our state safe. These must be inclusive and equal for everyone, including LGBTIQA+ Victorians.
This strategy aims to prevent the varied forms of discrimination and inequality LGBTIQA+ people experience, and move Victoria towards celebration of our vibrant LGBTIQA+ communities. It sets a pathway for how we will work in partnership with all communities to improve the lives of LGBTIQA+ Victorians. This includes recognising all their overlapping identities and experiences.
Realising the 10-year vision of the LGBTIQA+ strategy will take leadership, commitment and perseverance. The Victorian Government will drive the LGBTIQA+ strategy. But every Victorian has a role to play in achieving the Equality State by making Victoria a safe and welcoming place for all LGBTIQA+ people.
Vision statement
All Victorians feel safe, are healthy, have equal human rights and can live wholly and freely.
LGBTIQA+ Victorians experience the benefits of full participation in economic, educational, political, community and social areas at all stages of life.
Victoria leads the way in LGBTIQA+ equality, celebrating culture, community and taking sustained, enduring and measurable action.
We developed the LGBTIQA+ strategy vision with LGBTIQA+ communities. It will guide the reforms, actions and roll out of the strategy over its 10-year timeframe.
[1] Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI) 2020, The health and wellbeing of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer population in Victoria: findings from the Victorian Population Health Survey 2017, State of Victoria, Melbourne.
[2] Hill AO, et al. 2021b, Private lives 3: the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people in Victoria: Victoria summary report, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Melbourne.
