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A key recommendation of the royal commission and the Roadmap for Reform was to establish a network of Support and Safety Hubs (‘Hubs’) across Victoria.

The Victorian Government has committed to implementing all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence and to delivering on the vision described in Roadmap for Reform: Strong Families, Safe Children.

A key recommendation of the royal commission and the Roadmap for Reform was to establish a network of Support and Safety Hubs (‘Hubs’) across Victoria to provide a new way for women, children and young people experiencing family violence, and families in need of support with the care, development and wellbeing of children and young people, to access coordinated support from community, health and justice services.

The Hubs are known as The Orange Door. They are accessible, safe and welcoming to people, providing quick and simple access to the support and safety they need. The Orange Door focuses on perpetrators of family violence, to keep them in view and to connect them to services that assist in holding them accountable for their actions and changing their behaviour.

Ending family violence: Victoria’s plan for change, released in November 2016, sets out the Victorian Government’s commitment to establish The Orange Door across all 17 Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) areas by 2021. The Orange Door is central to Victoria’s approach to addressing family violence and to ensuring child safety and wellbeing. The Orange Door also forms a critical part of the broader service system response.

The Support and Safety Hubs: Statewide Concept (‘the Statewide Concept’), released in July 2017, described the intent, scope, key functions and roles of The Orange Door and how it contributes to the vision and aspirations of Victoria’s plan for change and the Roadmap for Reform.

Family Safety Victoria (FSV) oversees the establishment of The Orange Door and provides local leadership, facilitation, oversight and infrastructure management in collaboration with Local Hub Establishment Groups, Hub Leadership Groups and Hub Operational Leadership Groups, who lead the implementation and management of The Orange Door in each area.

The Orange Door commenced in Mallee, Barwon, Bayside Peninsula, North Eastern Melbourne and Inner Gippsland areas in 2018. The Orange Door is being established in Goulburn, Central Highlands and Loddon areas, and over time will operate in all seventeen DHHS areas.

The Orange Door branding

The public branding of the Support and Safety Hubs is The Orange Door. ‘The Orange Door’ and ‘Support and Safety Hub’ terms are used interchangeably across policy and communication materials
