At the same time, The Orange Door is committed to safeguarding the privacy of confidential information.
The Orange Door will only collect, use and disclose confidential information (including personal and health information):
- in line with relevant laws, including the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic), and the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic) (FVPA)
- if the information is relevant to the services The Orange Door provides
Reforms that support appropriate information sharing in The Orange Door include Part 5B of the FVPA, the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, the Child Information Sharing Scheme and the Central Information Point.
Part 5B of the FVPA facilitates information sharing in the context of The Orange Door, particularly the internal use and disclosure of information by workers in The Orange Door to support services. This includes using the CRM to keep records, and discussions between workers as part of delivering services.
The broader legislative framework for information sharing and privacy will usually apply to The Orange Door’s external collection and disclosure of information. For example, The Orange Door may disclose confidential information to an external service with consent, or to lessen a serious threat to an individual's safety, or under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme or the Child Information Sharing Scheme.
Before any information is shared, The Orange Door must be satisfied that there is an appropriate legal basis to do so.
In addition to legislative requirements, privacy requirements for organisations and workers in The Orange Door are set down in service agreements and the CRM Use and Access Agreement.
Information and guidance for workers in The Orange Door on information sharing and privacy is available from the Support and Safety Hubs: Interim Operational Procedural Guidelines.
The Orange Door’s Privacy Policy is available here: