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Nomination tips – Learn Local Awards

Here are our top tips to help you submit your nomination.

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Nomination tips

Here are some tips to help your nomination stand out from the crowd.

  1. Read the nominations guide and make sure you are eligible.

Make sure you read the nomination guide carefully to ensure you have met all the eligibility requirements for the category you would like to enter.

2. Start by nominating today or getting a friend or a teacher to help you nominate.

Take two minutes to register on the nomination portal and start writing your nomination draft.

A great place to start is by reading the selection criteria and writing a few points next to each one that you want to talk about in your nomination. After you’ve written a few dot points, you can start explaining those points by writing about them more fully.

You can save your nomination as you go and work on it gradually.

3. Tell us your story.

What have you achieved and how? Give examples that relate to your study, your life and any work you have done.

Make sure you provide evidence.

4. Keep it simple.

A well-written nomination doesn’t need to have long sentences or big words. The best nominations tell the judges a story in simple words and show them your training journey.

5. Show us your unique qualities!

Make the nomination stand out by telling us exactly what you have learned in your training journey, what motivates you, what you like about your courses and how you have improved or changed through your learning.

6. Use evidence to support your story.

If you have official documents like certificates, course results or written references, feel free to write about them and attach them as supporting documents in your nomination.

Evidence can also be shown in how you describe something.

A good way to describe something with evidence is to tell us the actions you took to achieve something and to tell us the results of your actions.


Action: I enrolled in an English Conversation course at my Learn Local provider.

Result: My test results have improved from an average of 60% six months ago to 75% now, and I feel confident speaking to my friends in class and to people outside class.

7. Ask for help.

If you need help writing the nomination, contact the Learn Local Awards team to be linked with our professional writer.

8. Final checks.

Don’t forget to proofread the nomination yourself to make sure you’re happy with it and then get the VTA’s professional writer to review your nomination – for free!

9. Don’t be late.

Submit before nominations close at 11:59 pm on Monday 15 July 2024.
