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Five-year evidence review (MARAM Framework and practice guides)

Find the latest news and information about the 5-year evidence review for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What is the 5-year evidence review?

The MARAM Framework was established in the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic) in 2018. The Act requires five-yearly reviews of the MARAM (Section 194) to ensure it reflects current evidence and best practice. The first of these reviews has been underway since October 2022 (MARAM 5-Year Evidence Review).

What has been achieved so far?

The literature, practice, and design review led by Allen & Clarke Consulting is now complete. The Allen and Clarke review examined the Framework and key supporting resources, including victim survivor-focused MARAM Practice Guides and tools published in 2019. It involved consideration of family violence research, best practice, evidence, and consultation with 225 participants from 81 organisations. This included victim survivor advocates, family violence practitioners, academics, specialist and universal services, and government bodies.

The Allen and Clarke review makes 17 recommendations relating to accessibility of the MARAM Practice Guides and assessment tools, improving approaches to risk assessment, and planning and enhancements to recognise experiences of family violence risk across all communities, including children and young people. The MARAM 5-Year Evidence Review report, Literature Review, and Summary report will be publicly released in late February 2024.

A second part of the evidence review, a data review, is also underway, analysing available data on the evidence-based risk factors. This review is led by Monash University and is scheduled to be completed by mid-2024.
