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MARAMIS Quarterly Newsletter Quarter 2 2023-24

Find the latest news and information about key MARAM and Information Sharing projects, resources and training for Quarter 2 2023-24.

15 June 2023

MARAM practice guidance

Find the latest news and information about the MARAM practice guidance for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) practice guidance is being developed?

Family Safety Victoria (FSV) is developing MARAM practice guidance for:

  • direct risk and wellbeing assessment of children and young people victim survivors

  • identifying and responding to young people using family violence in the home and in intimate partner/dating relationships (recognising young people using violence often experience family violence risk).

This new practice guidance will support workforces prescribed under the MARAM Framework to respond to children and young people as victim survivors in their own right and support their wellbeing in the context of family violence. The guidance will support professionals to respond to young people using violence with a trauma and violence-informed, and age and developmental stage lens. The practice guides and tools are anticipated for release in 2024.

What has been achieved so far?

In 2022-23, 41 consultation sessions were held with over 500 professionals across MARAM prescribed workforces to support the development of the child and young person-focused MARAM practice guidance.

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, YSAS, and Safe and Equal were engaged to contribute to the development of the Practice Guides, with much of their work contributing to the project now completed. In addition, FSV engaged RMIT and Monash University to undertake research reports.

In December 2022, RMIT published the report ‘Adolescents using Family Violence (AUFV) MARAM Practice Guidance Project 2022: Review of the Evidence Base’.

In March 2023, Monash University published their report, ‘Young people’s experiences of identity abuse in the context of family violence: A Victorian study’. The report provides analysis of Victorian responses received to Monash University’s national survey on children and young people’s family violence experiences, use of violence, service, and support needs. The report builds on the I Believe You report published by Monash University in February 2023, and supports further understanding of the voice and experience of children and young people experiencing family violence.

The findings from each report will directly inform the practice guidance and tools by incorporating young people’s experience of barriers to help seeking and service engagement, and experience of family violence that targets the young person’s identity and/or culture.

In June 2023, FSV further engaged a consortium of VACCA and Yoowinna Wurnalung Aboriginal Healing Service (YWAHS) to work on content across the draft practice guidance, co-lead consultations with key stakeholders, engage with and draw upon children and young people’s voices, contribute to tool and template development and support user testing processes.

This approach will ensure that consultation and user testing is culturally safe, and an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lens is centred throughout the development of the Practice Guides and tools.

VACCA and YWAHS have now drafted content on cultural concepts and culturally strong practice to be embedded throughout the Practice Guides. ACCO consultation workshops will be held in early 2024 to discuss these topics and provide an opportunity for practitioners to share cultural wisdom and insights.

Over the coming months, Swinburne University will commence a Delphi study which will be used to develop the identification and assessment tools. This study will include both survey and focus groups over several feedback rounds with subject matter experts, including practitioners from prescribed workforces.

If you are interested in participating in the surveys or focus groups, please express your interest to Kate Ball at

MARAM non-accredited training

Find the latest news and information about MARAM non-accredited training for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What training is being developed?

Family Safety Victoria (FSV) is developing three Adults Using Family Violence (AUFV) training packages to support professionals across MARAM prescribed workforces. The training suite covers identification, intermediate and comprehensive responsibilities.

What has been achieved so far?

In October and November, the Intermediate and Comprehensive training packages were piloted with practitioners across health, justice, police, child protection, mental health services and the Serious Risk Program, Changing Ways. These two training packages were finalised in December and are now ready for delivery.

FSV engaged No to Violence (NTV) to deliver the new training packages. Delivery of the identification-level training commenced in November 2023 and Intermediate and Comprehensive training is scheduled to commence in late January 2024. NTV will deliver the three trainings in the AUFV-focused MARAM non-accredited training packages to support prescribed workforces and their practitioners as part of the MARAM Reform.

MARAM non-accredited training review and redevelopment

Find the latest news and information about the MARAM non-accredited training review and redevelopment for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What training is being reviewed and redeveloped?

The three Victim Survivor MARAM training packages (Identification, Intermediate, and Comprehensive) and the MARAM; Leading Alignment and MARAM Collaborative Practice modules

What has been achieved so far?

Following stakeholder feedback and in expectation of the MARAM 5-year Evidence Review findings, Family Safety Victoria has contracted Safe & Equal to review and redevelop the three Victim Survivor training packages (Identification, Intermediate, Comprehensive) and the MARAM Leading Alignment and MARAM Collaborative Practice Modules.

What is happening now?

Safe and Equal are now commencing the training redevelopment, which is due to be updated by mid-2024.

MARAM accredited training

Find the latest news and information about the MARAM accredited training for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What is MARAM accredited training?

The Centre for Workforce Excellence (CWE) in the Department of Families, Fairness, and Housing (DFFH) is working in partnership with the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry, and Regions (DJSIR) to develop vocational education and training (VET) courses in family violence.

The training aims to build the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of existing and future workforces to respond to and contribute to the prevention of family violence. These courses are the first accredited training courses to be directly based on the Family Violence MARAM Framework.

Through these courses, individuals will be able to access MARAM aligned and accredited family violence training through registered training organisations (RTOs), TAFEs and dual sector universities, either during their studies or before they enter the workforce as part of their pre-service education and training.

What has been achieved so far?

New teaching and learning resources for VU22733 have been developed to complement course delivery. These include additional case studies, new assessments, and facilitator and learner guides for TAFEs and RTOs.

In May 2022, redevelopment of the Course in Intermediate Risk Assessment and Management of Family Violence Risk (22561VIC) commenced to reflect new MARAM practice guidance relating to working with adults using violence. The course has been re-accredited by the VRQA with the revised title ‘Course in Intermediate Risk Assessment and Management of Family Violence’ (22625VIC). It was made available for delivery to TAFEs and RTOs from 1 July 2023. VRQA accredited the Course in Contributing to the Prevention of Family Violence and Violence Against Women (22621VIC), available to TAFEs for delivery since May 2023.

In 2023, redevelopment of the Course in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk (22510VIC) commenced in preparation for the expiry of the current accreditation period, which ends on 31 March 2024. The course is in the final stage of approvals and will be made available to TAFEs for delivery from 1 April 2024.

MARAMIS resources

Find the latest news and information about the MARAMIS resources for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What is the MARAM video series?

The MARAM video series consists of 17 impactful videos to support prescribed workforces to better understand MARAM reforms, including the key concepts and responsibilities that apply to their role. These videos are available on the MARAM practice guides and resources and YouTube.

What videos are available?

The series includes two types of videos:

MARAMIS fact sheets

MARAMIS fact sheets were developed to support people receiving services from DFFH but are relevant to a broad range of workforces.

The fact sheets outline the Family Violence MARAM Framework and Information Schemes in everyday practice. To support diverse communities, the fact sheets are translated into 6 commonly used languages: Dinka, Somali, Simplified Chinese, Oromo, Arabic and Vietnamese. They are also translated into easy English.

Access the fact sheets at Family violence multi-agency risk assessment and management framework.

MARAM maturity model

Find the latest news and information about the MARAM maturity model for Quarter 2 2023-24

What is the MARAM maturity model?

The MARAM maturity model will be a key supporting resource of the MARAM Framework. The model provides a means for organisations to self-assess their level of alignment to MARAM and help them take improving steps. It will sit alongside the MARAM Practice Guides and Organisational Embedding Guide, which support organisations to understand what steps they should take to align with MARAM and provide guidance on risk assessment and management responsibilities.

What has been achieved so far?

Human-centered design consultant Paper Giant has built on early material developed by Family Safety Victoria (FSV) to finalise research activities and co-designed maturity model resources in consultation with 8 Sector Champion organisations.

Three draft resources have now been produced as a result of these activities:

  • MARAM maturity model on a page

  • MARAM maturity model roadmap

  • Interactive self-assessment and action planner

Sector testing of the tools has been undertaken through a MARAM Alignment Pilot with Principal Strategic Advisors from Eastern Metropolitan and Goulburn regions. The pilot is scheduled for completion at the end of February.

FSV will work closely with departments to further refine the tools and supporting policy to ensure they are applicable to a diverse range of workforces.

Five-year evidence review (MARAM Framework and practice guides)

Find the latest news and information about the 5-year evidence review for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What is the 5-year evidence review?

The MARAM Framework was established in the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic) in 2018. The Act requires five-yearly reviews of the MARAM (Section 194) to ensure it reflects current evidence and best practice. The first of these reviews has been underway since October 2022 (MARAM 5-Year Evidence Review).

What has been achieved so far?

The literature, practice, and design review led by Allen & Clarke Consulting is now complete. The Allen and Clarke review examined the Framework and key supporting resources, including victim survivor-focused MARAM Practice Guides and tools published in 2019. It involved consideration of family violence research, best practice, evidence, and consultation with 225 participants from 81 organisations. This included victim survivor advocates, family violence practitioners, academics, specialist and universal services, and government bodies.

The Allen and Clarke review makes 17 recommendations relating to accessibility of the MARAM Practice Guides and assessment tools, improving approaches to risk assessment, and planning and enhancements to recognise experiences of family violence risk across all communities, including children and young people. The MARAM 5-Year Evidence Review report, Literature Review, and Summary report will be publicly released in late February 2024.

A second part of the evidence review, a data review, is also underway, analysing available data on the evidence-based risk factors. This review is led by Monash University and is scheduled to be completed by mid-2024.

Family Violence Capability Frameworks

Find the latest news and information about the Family Violence Capability Frameworks for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What are the Family Violence Capability Frameworks and why are they being reviewed?

The Family Violence Prevention and Response Capability Frameworks provide the foundational skill set required to both deliver prevention of family violence and violence against women initiatives and respond to all forms of family violence.

The review is intended to reflect the capability uplift required by reforms and learnings undertaken since the framework’s release, including capturing new evidence and best practice, whilst also seeking to establish an implementation approach that clarifies and increases their utility across the workforce. The review will consider the alignment between the prevention and response frameworks, recognising that prevention and response work is distinct but complementary.

What has been achieved so far?

In November 2023, a draft of the revised Response Capability Framework was circulated to the Capability Framework's Working Group and ‘critical friends’ for feedback. Centre for Workforce Excellence (CWE) are in the process of integrating this feedback into the draft with the support of the Working Group and Safe and Equal.

A conceptual framework for the prevention and response capability frameworks has been developed, which will be tested with stakeholders in the coming month. This will then inform the final structure of response, inform the prevention framework structure and importantly the links between the two.

MARAM tools in TRAM - Predominant Aggressor Identification Tool

Find the latest news and information about MARAM tools in TRAM for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What is the TRAM?

Tools for Risk Assessment and Management (TRAM) has been developed by Family Safety Victoria as an online platform for use across the service system. TRAM contains the adult and child victim survivor MARAM risk assessments and safety plan, and in future it will host the remainder of the MARAM resources, currently in development. This platform is used across The Orange Door network and by some community agencies.

What is the Predominant Aggressor Identification Tool in TRAM?

The Predominant Aggressor Identification Tool will support specialist family violence services in their alignment to MARAM. The tool provides a structure to support the accurate identification of the predominant aggressor, using information sharing, direct assessment, and structured analysis.

The MARAM Adult Using Family Violence Comprehensive Assessment Tool was released onto TRAM in late 2022 for use by Specialist Perpetrator Intervention Services.

The MARAM Predominant Aggressor Identification tool has also been released for those agencies onboarded to TRAM.

Family Violence Industry Plan: Second Rolling Action Plan

Find the latest news and information about the Family Violence Industry Plan: Second Rolling Action Plan for Quarter 2 2023-24.

What is the Second Rolling Action plan, and why is it needed?

The 10-Year Family Violence Industry Plan, Building from Strength, is being implemented through a series of Rolling Action Plans (RAPs). The first RAP covered the period 2018-2022 and has now concluded. The second RAP, covering the period 2023-2026, is nearing release. It will guide the family violence workforce reform agenda over the next three years.

What has been achieved so far?

Development work on the second RAP began in 2022. Over 2023, consultation with sector peak bodies and government departments has occurred to develop a set of actions to grow the pipeline of workers and better establish education, training and career pathways across the family violence and sexual assault sectors. Where the first RAP focused on the specialisation of the family violence sector, the second RAP will continue this specialisation work with greater attention on the sexual assault workforce and looking outward at opportunities to connect with the broader community services.

DFFH MARAM implementation

Find the latest news and information about the Department of Families Fairness and Housing's MARAM implementation activities for Quarter 2 2023-24.

MARAM Identifying and responding to Financial Abuse

Southeastern Community Links is delivering a series of workshops designed for frontline workforces to build confidence in understanding financial abuse in the context of family violence and coercive control. The six sessions start on 13 February and run through April and May 2024. Click here if you would like to register for one of the free sessions.

New suite of MARAMIS learning and development products

Safe and Equal in collaboration with the MARAMIS implementation team have commenced the development of three new Learning and Development products for delivery in 2024 aimed to increase DFFH policy and practice leaders’ understanding of the MARAMIS reforms.

The packages are:

  • Leading Alignment: for DFFH Executives and Managers to support them to understand their obligations in leading MARAMIS alignment at DFFH.

  • MARAM for Policy Makers: for DFFH workforce leads, policy and project staff to develop a deep understanding of how the MARAM principles, core knowledge and best practice risk assessment and management must be incorporated into their work.

  • Information Sharing Schemes (ISS) workshops: developed for DFFH internal staff to develop a deep understanding of the ISS to promote the wellbeing of children and young people under Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) and to assess or manage family violence risk under Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS).

For further information please email the DFFH information sharing and MARAM implementation team at

Thank you to our Prescribed Portfolios for your contribution to MARAM Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the Ministerial endorsement of the MARAM annual portfolio reports – a big thank you to everyone for their tireless work and the wonderful opportunity to showcase the alignment work across prescribed workforces.

Department of Health MARAM implementation

Find the latest news and information about Department of Health's MARAM implementation activities for Quarter 2 2023-24.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Family Violence GP Education Program

The RACGP’s delivery of the Family Violence GP Education Program in 2023 has been successful, with over 120 GPs interacting with the online modules and peer group learning and over 200 GPs participating in the Lunch & Learn series from across Victoria. The RACGP Family Violence Program aims to increase awareness to Victorian GPs about the prevalence of family violence, recognising and responding to Family Violence (FV), using Child information Sharing Schemes (CISS), Family Violence Information Sharing Schemes (FVISS) and voluntarily aligning to MARAM.

As part of the program, GPs can undertake online modules including identifying and responding to FV, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, MARAM and Information Sharing Schemes and People who use violence. This leads into our small peer group sessions which allows groups of approximately 8-12 GPs to meet for 5 hours with a GP expert to discuss learnings and cases of FV.

In addition, we have our Lunch and Learn Series which allows GPs to submit a case prior, and then to be discussed in a drop-in style webinar. This is an interactive session for both the panellists and the participants to engage, network and discuss cases of FV for greater understanding and short bites for a timelier learning opportunity.

In addition to the above, in 2024 we will be adding an additional evening session that matches the Lunch and Learn format to allow more GPs to attend outside of work hours. We will also be building two additional online learning modules and creating a short mini-series of videos based on the successful response we had to this FV video created last year. We look forward to working closely with the Department of Health to be able to provide Quarterly updates to our members on all things FV/MARAM.

For further information, please contact RACGP Victoria Faculty at