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Victoria Police MARAM Implementation

Find the latest news and information about Victoria Police's MARAM implementation activities for Quarter 1 2022-23.

Predominant Aggressor Pilot

In response to the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor's system wide review on the accurate identification of the predominant aggressor, Victoria Police commenced an internal pilot to strengthen the police response to reports of family violence.

The predominant aggressor pilot commenced in October 2022, in North-West Metro Region Division 5, and aims to test interventions at different decision points to further support members to consider factors that can cause misidentification.

Outcomes of the internal pilot will be used to drive continuous improvement whilst ensuring the police response continues to be aligned to the MARAM Framework.

Implementation of State-wide PACPAFV sites

The Police and Aboriginal Community Protocols Against Family Violence aim to build positive relationships between police and Victorian Aboriginal communities, with the longer-term goal of reducing both the number of family violence incidents, and the rates of families experiencing repeated incidents of family violence.

Under the Dhelk Dja Action Plan (2019–2022), Victoria Police have committed to a state-wide expansion of the protocols by 31 December 2022.

Cultural awareness training continues to be rolled out across ten active sites, with a further 7 sites planned to launch in 2022.

Victim Survivors Advisory Council (VSAC) Project

Victoria Police, with support from the Victim-Survivors Advisory Council have been working collectively to produce a range of educational videos directly focused on the experience of victim-survivors in their interactions with police. The videos will be used by Victoria Police to assist frontline members to understand the difference they can make to the mental and physical well-being of victim-survivors.
