What is the 5-year evidence review?
The Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic) requires periodic reviews of the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) evidence base every 5 years.
The first of these reviews will examine key aspects of the MARAM Framework’s supporting resources, including victim survivor-focused MARAM Practice Guides and tools, published in 2019.
The review will:
- assess whether the approved framework reflects the current evidence of best practices of family violence risk assessment and family violence risk management
- recommend the changes required (if any) to ensure the approved framework is consistent with those best practices.
What has been achieved so far?
In November 2022, FSV engaged Allen & Clarke Consulting to undertake the 5-year evidence review. Allen and Clarke Consulting and FSV will provide further details on opportunities to participate in consultation once timelines and processes are finalised.
What is planned next?
A final report on the review will detail findings and recommendations and inform continuous improvement of the MARAM Framework. The final report will be provided to FSV in October 2023.