DPC is committed to developing and implementing an LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Plan that is underpinned by strong leadership, governance, accountability and reporting.
DPC will establish the role of Co-Executive Champions for LGBTIQA+ Inclusion, who will be responsible for championing LGBTIQA+ Inclusion actions and initiatives at DPC. The Champions will play an instrumental role in working with the DPC Board of Management to facilitate an enabling environment to advance LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in the department.
DPC's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Committee, comprising Executive Champions, People and Culture, Group representatives, Staff network representatives and appropriate business areas will drive the implementation of the plan.
Responsible business owner(s) have been assigned to lead the development and implementation of key actions under the plan that are relevant to their respective functions and operation. This includes DPC Executive Groups who will be engaged to promote and proactively champion LGBTIQA+ inclusion by identifying practical actions in Group business plans. The budget for funding key actions in the plan, including training and resources, will be sourced from the central corporate development fund.
Measuring progress and reporting
DPC is committed to measuring the success of this plan through ongoing monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
DPC will establish an evidence base using People Matter Survey results and other relevant data to measure performance against the plan on an annual basis. This will help to measure outcomes against key actions within the plan. DPC will also engage with the VPSC to better understand LGBTIQA+ data standards across the Victorian Government and how to collect, analyse and report on demographic/personal data.
Progress against actions under the plan, at the departmental and Group level, will be reported on annually to the DPC Board of Management. This reporting will outline progress against the LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Plan including key achievements, areas for improvement and proposed strategies to address any gaps. The reporting process will also include regular communication of progress against the plan to the Co-Executive Champions, the LGBTIQA+ Staff Network and the DE&I committee.
All strategies and actions will be set out in an implementation plan, a detailed internal monitoring and tracking document that will assist with monitoring and progress reporting. The implementation plan will outline the key timeframes for communicating, implementing and reporting progress. The implementation plan will also outline the key measures that will help to report progress and outcomes.