The Information Technology Strategy 2016-20 charts government’s direction across 4 priorities:
- open information - how we manage and make transparent our information and data
- efficient digital services
- strong modern systems and technology
- increased staff capability
Our strategy provides guidance to decision-makers to create
- sound policy
- contemporary service delivery models
- value for money for Victorians
Download the strategy:
Information Technology Strategy: 2019-20 Action Plan
The 2019-20 action plan provides the fourth year of actions in the ongoing delivery of the IT Strategy.
Information Technology Strategy 2018-19 Action Plan
This 2018-19 annual plan provides the third year of actions in the ongoing delivery of the IT strategy.
Information Technology Strategy 2017-18 Action Plan
This 2017-18 annual plan provides the second year of actions in the ongoing delivery of the IT strategy.
IT strategy progress reports
The annual report card on the Victorian Government Information Technology Strategy is now available and shows significant progress in the past year.
Most actions have been delivered or are on track, setting the foundation for the next stages in delivering a more cohesive approach to government’s use of technology, and improving how Victorians engage with Government.
Of the 26 actions in the first year action plan, as of 30 June 2017:
- 24 are fully complete
- 2 actions remain open and are being tracked to completion as part of the year 2 plan
Much of the work completed in the past year relates to reviews and developing performance frameworks, and generally developing strategies or analysis that will inform the next stages.
Importantly, 2 of the actions have led to 2 major RFT’s (requests for tender) being released to market for whole of Victorian Government Finance and Human Capital Management systems.
Making this progress was a joint effort by many departments across Government.
June 2016
Action 1: Introduce legislation to reform the FOI Act 1982 (Vic) and the Office of the Freedom of Information Commissioner.
Status: Completed on 22 June 2016, the Hon. M. Pakula introduced the Freedom of Information Amendment (Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner) Bill 2016.
Next steps: Finalise legislation and establish FOIC Commisioner.
Action 23: Review and update the ICT Governance Education Program for executives sitting on ICT project boards.
Status: Completed. An internal review and update of the ICT Governance Education Program was undertaken, following consultation with the CIO Leadership Group.
Next steps: The review recommended minor changes which were implemented, pending creation of the ICT Capability uplift plan (Action 26).
July 2016
Action 12: Develop a statement of direction for a workplace ICT environment with a supporting implementation roadmap.
Status: Completed. The Workplace Environment Statement of Direction includes an implementation roadmap. The statement was approved by the Victorian Secretaries Board following consultation with departments, Victoria Police and CenITex.
Next steps: Work with departments and CenITex for ongoing implementation.
Action 20: Finalise CenITex’s governance arrangements.
Status: Completed. Changes to CenITex governance arrangements were approved by the Minister for Finance in mid-June and noted by the Victorian Secretaries Board in June 2016.
The CenITex Enabling Order to amend CenITex governance arrangements was approved by the Governor in Council on 12 July 2016 and published in Government Gazette G28 (page 1853) on 14 July 2016.
Next steps: N/A
Action 22: Develop and implement a series of changes to improve ICT project delivery (ICT Dashboard; quality assurance; independent advice).
Status: Completed. The ICT Dashboard covers 187 agencies and was launched on 14 July 2016.
The approach for quality assurance and independent advice has been completed and approved by government.
Next steps: DPC to establish procurement panels for independent advice and quality assurance to ease procurement of these services.
August 2016
Action 13: Develop a statement of direction for a Victorian Government data network, including a future design supported by an implementation roadmap and preliminary business case.
Status: Completed. The Network and Cyber Security Statement of Direction was approved by the Victorian Secretaries Board.
The statement of direction supports future design and includes an implementation roadmap and preliminary business case.
Next steps: Work with CenITex, VicTrack and DTF regarding implementation.
Action 16: Develop a statement of direction for human resources systems that will support a common systems approach for human resources for the government.
Status: Completed. The Human Resources Systems Statement of Direction was approved by the Victorian Secretaries Board.
Next steps: Identify a first department and initiate a project. DPC is working with DELWP as the first department and the government went to market in March for implementation.
Action 17: Develop a statement of direction for financial systems that will support a common systems approach to finance for the government.
Status: The Finance Systems Statement of Direction was approved by the Victorian Secretaries Board
Next steps: Identify a first department and initiate a project. DPC is working with DTF as the first department and the government went to market in March for implementation.
September 2016
Action 2: Review how the government measure the release of data by developing performance indicators for quality and usefulness.
Status: Completed. Performance Indicators have been developed and published on the Data.Vic website following wide consultation. An opportunity for further comment remains open.
Next steps: Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 1, for next steps.
Action 21: Establish a performance management framework for CenITex.
Status: Completed. The performance management framework was developed by CenITex in consultation with its Board and customers. The CenITex Board approved the framework on 29 September 2016.
Next steps: CenITex to operate under the framework in consultation with its customers.
Action 24: Review how the government procures ICT.
Status: Completed. A review was undertaken within DPC to examine existing procurement arrangements, processes and tools, including ICT services obtained through the eServices Register. The Victorian Government Purchasing Board and the CIO Leadership Group were consulted on the process to establish State Purchase Contracts.
Further, the government successfully undertook a streamlined procurement approach for cross-government ICT purchasing in its market approach for Finance and Human Capital Management systems (under Actions 16 and 17).
Next steps: Review the software platform that is currently in use to deliver the eServices Register, with a view to enhancing functionality and ease of use.
Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 30, for next steps.
October 2016
Action 7: Develop a unified consultation and collaboration platform.
Status: Completed. The Consultation and Collaboration Platform has been developed and successfully piloted with Regional Development Victoria in the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.
Since launch more than 75 consultations have been either completed, are underway or planned for release.
Next steps: Further enhancements to the platform are in plan; focus is on tools to build audience and better analytic capability.
December 2016
Action 3: Develop an information management framework.
Status: Completed. The Information Management Framework was approved by the Chief Information Officers Leadership Group.
Next steps: The framework is now guiding policy and standards.
Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 2, for next steps.
Action 8: Pilot an API Gateway to facilitate sharing between agencies and the community.
Status: Completed. VicRoads piloted the citizen-facing Live travel time data API that publishes real-time open datasets to improve travel conditions for Victorians.
The API broadcasts emergency road closures, travel times and variable speed limits.
Lessons learnt from the pilot have been shared with DHHS which established a Web API Gateway platform for use by all departments.
Next steps: Finalisation and approval of the whole-of-government API Strategy. Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 9, for next steps.
Action 14: Develop a statement of direction, and an overarching strategy for cyber security.
Status: Completed. The Network and Cyber Security Statement of Direction was approved by the Victorian Secretaries Board.
The Cyber Security Strategy was developed by the Cyber Security Strategy Group (CSSG), composed of subject matter experts from the Victorian Government, the Commonwealth Government and major enterprises.
The strategy has been completed and approved. Public release in August 2017.
Next steps: The Cyber Security Strategy outlines a three year rolling program of work, which will commence in July 2017.
Action 18: Develop standards and improved procurement models for government agencies to access cloud services.
Status: Completed. The Cloud-based ICT Services Checklist provides guidance.
The improved procurement model has been completed, following consultation with government Chief Procurement Officers.
Next steps: Further guidance on data sovereignty in relation to cloud services is being provided in a Cloud Considerations paper due for release by 30 September 2017.
Action 25: Undertake a Public Sector Innovation Fund project with Code for Australia (Code for Victoria).
Status: Completed. Code for Victoria has delivered three tools that are live and running at DELWP, Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) and DTF.
The value of embedding external capability has also been demonstrated through each department adopting new ways of working. VLA has introduced a full-time service design role, and both VLA and DELWP have extended their fellowship team directly with Code for Australia.
Next steps: From this success, a new round of Code for Victoria – Women in Tech (focusing on all-female fellowships) was launched by the Special Minister of State in March 2017.
January 2017
Action 4: Create a data agency that will better use and share data and information to improve policy making and service design.
Action 26: Develop an upskilling plan for ICT capability within the government.
Status: initial plan completed, undergoing validation
The plan has been completed in draft form. Additional improvements and a further round of validation and consultation is being undertaken to develop the program of works to set the ICT Capability Uplift program foundation and create further stakeholder buy-in.
Next steps: Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 29, for next steps on completion of plan.
February 2017
Action 9: Develop a framework and standards for digital assets, including mobile apps, websites and other digital services.
Status: Complete. The Digital Standards for Victoria framework contains a comprehensive series of standards, guides and advice has been completed and published in July 2017.
Next steps: Ongoing promotion of use through existing committees and channels.
March 2017
Action 5: Identify potential master data sets and design the cross-sharing of these data sets with a supporting business case.
Status: Completed. A list of potential master data sets is included in the Master Data Approach.
A supporting business case has been developed for employee identity master data set (see Action 15 in the Victorian Government IT Strategy 2016 to 2020).
Next steps: Ongoing prioritisation of master data set list and proposing of cross-sharing projects as business sponsors are identified.
Action 15: Develop a statement of direction for staff/ contractor identity management, with a supporting implementation roadmap and business case to enable workplace, shared services, and network standardization.
Status: Completed. The Workforce Identity and Access Management Statement of Direction was approved by the Victorian Secretaries Board.
The Statement of Direction contains Identity Schema as a key deliverable in support of action 5.
The preliminary business case and roadmap calls for the development of an Identity and Access Management strategy.
Next steps: Develop a Workforce Identity and Access Management Strategy, Implementation Plan and Governance Model to support the Statement of Direction and identify projects arising from the Strategy.
Develop a Workforce Identity and Access Management framework and associated key policies and standards to govern Workforce Identity and Access Management.
Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, actions 16 and 17, for next steps.
April 2017
Action 6: Explore options for the long term storage of data, which should aid discovery, increase security and improve availability of government information.
Status: Completed. A paper outlining options for the long term storage of data has been developed with the focus on aiding discovery, increasing security and improving availability of government information.
Next steps: Selection of preferred option and how to progress.
Action 19: Develop a statement of direction and implementation plan for automated briefing processes and associated document & information management to support streamlined government briefing.
Status: Completed. The Automated Briefing and Correspondence Statement of Direction was approved by the Victorian Secretaries Board.
Next steps: Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 18, for next steps.
May 2017
Action 10: Review government’s digital presence with a view to consolidation where it will make information discovery easier for citizens, and develop a framework for delivery.
Status: Completed. A Single Digital Presence (SDP) business case has been completed, outlining the need for change and consolidation from a customer perspective and overall costs savings to DPC, and a framework for delivery around centralised provision of services and specialist capability to deliver the required customer experience.
The single digital model and framework for delivery has been designed to be highly scalable with a view to providing a proof of concept for a whole of government solution.
Next steps: Successfully deploying SDP for DPC proves the concept for consideration of a wider roll out to the rest of government. Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 10.
June 2017
Action 11: Development of Service Victoria, including the development of a digital distribution channel for simple, high volume transactions.
Status: Completed
The Service Victoria program has delivered its core technology platform and launched a private alpha of its digital service. Refinements to the customer website continued following user testing and feedback. In preparation for its beta release towards the end of 2017 Service Victoria is working to connect services from in-scope agencies and launch the first tranche of publicly available digital transactions.
Next steps: Service Victoria is on track to launch its first digital transactions to the community in 2018. Refer to the IT Strategy Action Plan 2017-18, action 12.
October 2017
Action 23: Develop an eProcurement Statement of Direction and high level implementation plan.
Status: Completed. Procurement Systems Statement of Direction
December 2017
Action 2: Develop Group 1 of standards arising from the Victorian Government Information Management Framework: Address Data Standard, Enterprise Data Management Plan Standard, Data Quality Standard, Caretaker Period Standard.
Status: Completed
Download documents on the Policies and standards for government IT page:
- Enterprise Data Management Plan Standard (Completed and approved)
- Data Quality Standard (Completed and approved)
- CIC and Caretaker Period Digital Information Management Standard
Action 5: Building on the creation of the Victorian Centre for Data Insights:
Introduce legislation to clearly outline how data can be shared across government to inform policy and service design, and to provide protections and safeguards to make sure such data is used in the right way
Establish a data analytics technology platform for the Victorian Centre for Data Insights
Status: Completed
- Legislation: Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017
- Data Analytics Technology Platform (Established)
Action 8: Develop a position paper exploring the options and proposing a way forward for an overarching search capability for use within government, both over agencies and over time.
Status: Completed.
Action 10: Develop a position paper covering citizen and business identity within Victoria, and work with the Commonwealth to determine appetite for an Australian approach to supporting an ‘Identity Management Framework for Citizens and Businesses (as consumers of government services)’ that will allow for easier consumption of multi-level government digital services by Victorians.
Status: Completed
Action 15: Finalise architectural model and commence implementation of cloud-based office productivity suite in accordance with the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction.
Status: Completed. Victoria has commenced rolling out Office 365.
Action 16: Develop a Workforce Identity and Access Management Strategy, Implementation Plan and Governance Model to commence implementation of the Workforce Identity Management Statement of Direction (links to action 15 from previous strategy and action 17 from this strategy).
Status: Completed
Action 31: Develop a data analytics capability framework for the Victorian Public Service.
Status: Completed
February 2018
Action 26: Following on from the ICT Projects Dashboard, establish a high level ‘portfolio management office’ function to form a portfolio view of government ICT projects over $1m, providing templates, advice and assistance where relevant.
Status: Completed
Action 30: Implement the recommendations arising from the review of how government procures IT delivered under action 24 of the previous strategy.
Status: Completed
March 2018
Action 6: Develop a data exchange framework to ease the sharing and/or integration of data between government and third parties and within government (for example via the API Hub).
Status: Completed
Data exchange framework (Completed and approved)
Action 12: Launch Service Victoria with its first tranche of digital transactions for citizens.
Status: Completed
Action 13: Update research and develop a paper with a vision for the future digital workplace (based on the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction) that feeds into the Digital First Policy and takes into account emerging technologies.
Status: Completed. Digital Workplace Study (Completed and approved)
Action 19: Work with the Commonwealth and other States to propose a way forward for a cyber security industry certification of software developers and cyber security professionals.
Status: Completed
Action 25: Develop a review paper that evaluates the opportunities and impacts of emerging technologies such as the New Payments Platform and Blockchain.
Status: Completed (joined with action 27)
Action 27: Develop a discussion paper with recommended next steps to position government for opportunities and disruptions arising from Blockchain technology.
Status: Completed (joined with action 25)
April 2018
Action 28: Assess whole of government flexible workplace technologies, conduct pilots and produce a report with recommendations to improve interaction and collaboration with staff who work remotely.
Status: Completed
May 2018
Action 21: Work with DTF (as the first department) and other departments to select a government-wide corporate finance ERP solution (based on the Finance Statement of Direction). Assist and facilitate DTF’s implementation of this cloud-based service (which will then be implemented across other departments).
Status: Completed
June 2018
Action 1: Implement the indicators for publicly-released data that measure quality and usefulness and which support the Information Sharing and Release Strategy.
Status: Completed
Action 3: Develop Group 2 of standards arising from the Victorian Government Information Management Framework: Machinery of Government Standard, Metadata Standard and Data Interchange Standard, Information Sharing and Release Plan Standard.
Status: Completed
Action 4: Develop a whole-of-government ‘Information Sharing and Release Strategy’ focused on improving how government shares information internally and releases information to the public.
Status: Completed
Action 7: Implement a government information asset register (data directory) for internal use, based on the information management governance standard.
Status: Completed
Action 9: Develop the API platform into a shared service for use by all departments (building on action 8 of the previous strategy), including governance framework and standards.
Status: Completed Pending approval
Action 11: Complete the first phase of transitioning DPC websites onto one platform, standardising and consolidating websites to create a Single Digital Presence for DPC as a test case for broader website consolidation across government.
Status: Completed
Action 14: Develop a ‘Digital First Strategy’ and a supporting ‘Digital Workplace Strategy and Digital Workplace Policy’ focused on moving to a digital workplace by removing hardcopy from the workplace (digitisation), end-to-end digital business processes and digital record keeping.
Status: Completed
Action 17: Develop a Workforce Identity and Access Management framework and associated key policies and standards to govern Workforce Identity and Access Management.
Status: Delivery adjusted to March 2019 to incorporate related Commonwealth initiatives
Action 18: Develop high level governance model, processes and templates to support automated briefing and correspondence.
Status: Completed
Action 20: Deploy a geo-spatially enabled government telecommunications assets register for internal use to assist with planning future government telecommunications investments, and develop principles to cater for external requests to access Victorian State assets for third party investments.
Status: Completed
Action 22: Work with DEWLP (as the first department) and other departments to select a government-wide corporate Human Capital Management ERP solution (based on the Human Capital Management Statement of Direction). Assist and facilitate DEWLP’s implementation of this cloud-based service (which will then be implemented across other departments).
Status: Completed
Action 24: Undertake a pilot innovation project that uses artificial intelligence / intelligent agents (possibly via an avatar) to demonstrate feasibility of an automated response to citizens seeking ‘who should I call’ information.
Status: On hold due to reallocation of resources to other priorities - Delivery adjusted to March 2019
Action 29: Implement the first round of actions arising from the IT Upskilling Plan delivered under action 26 of the previous strategy.
Status: Completed
September 2018
Action 31: Build a community of practice for ICT project practitioners.
Status: Completed
October 2018
Action 4: Launch a WOVG developer portal to provide access to data and common micro services produced by government and third party Application Programming Interfaces (APIs); engage using mechanisms such as hackathons and incubators to prototype innovative solutions using open data and APIs.
Status: Completed
December 2018
Action 3: Embed a ‘data discovery’ capability to enable VPS personnel to find the data they need.
Status: Completed
Action 9: Implement WOVG presence within app stores and code and design repositories.
Status: Ongoing. Delivery adjusted to February 2020.
Action 29: Develop a discussion paper addressing issues and opportunities relating to government’s ability to attract and retain ICT talent.
Status: Completed
March 2019
Action 17: Establish the governance arrangements for the geo-spatially enabled government telecommunications assets register delivered in 2017-18 and develop uniform terms and conditions that would apply to all third party requests to access government’s telecommunications related assets.
Status: Completed. Pending approval.
Action 19: Identify the roll-out schedule for the Finance and HCM ERP solutions delivered in 2017-18.
Status: Completed
June 2019
Action 1: Review DataVic Access Policy and provide recommendations to strengthen alignment with broader data activities across the Victorian government.
Status: Completed
Action 2: Implement the next steps of the Information Sharing and Release Strategy and the Data Exchange Framework delivered 2017-18.
Status: Completed
Action 5: Review and make recommendations to improve how data is collected, managed and used as part of legislative and regulatory performance reporting.
Status: Ongoing. Delivery adjusted to December 2019.
Action 6: Develop and commence implementation of a WOVG technology architecture vision, roadmap and governance for family safety technology systems.
Status: Completed
Action 7: Implement next steps for Single Digital Presence: pilot a journey across government entities and jurisdictions, increase uptake, prototype analytics and personalization, trial voice interface.
Status: Ongoing. Delivery adjusted to June 2020.
Action 8: Develop additional standards to improve quality, management and security of the Victorian government digital presence.
Status: Ongoing. Delivery adjusted to June 2020.
Action 10: Prototype solutions in areas of digital disruption and digital opportunity to inform future strategic thinking.
Status: Ongoing. Delivery adjusted to June 2020.
Action 11: Increase the number of transaction types available through Service Victoria and the volume of transactions conducted by citizens on the platform.
Status: Completed
Action 12: Implement the next steps of the Digital Workplace Strategy delivered in 2017-18.
Status: Completed
Action 13: Develop a standard to enable electronic approvals and signatures.
Status: Completed
Action 14: Implement the Identity and Access Management Governance Model delivered in 2017-18.
Status: Completed
Action 15: Identify and recommend a Workforce Identity and Access Management solution.
Status: Ongoing. Delivery adjusted to March 2020.
Action 16: Develop a standard and update the automated briefing and correspondence governance model to incorporate electronic correspondence.
Status: Completed
Action 18: Develop a WOVG governance framework for business support shared services.
Status: Completed
Action 20: Commence the implementation of the Human Capital Management ERP solution by the next department or agency.
Status: Completed
Action 21: Identify a WOVG platform for procurement and commence implementation with the first department.
Status: Completed
Action 22: Develop a Statement of Direction for a WOVG IT Asset Management platform that supports disaster recovery and the management of ICT obsolescence risk.
Status: Completed.
Action 23: Develop a discussion paper to support the adoption of a common language, common framework and reference architecture for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
Status: Completed. Pending approval.
Action 24: Identify a candidate for a WOVG enterprise solution and develop a Statement of Direction.
Status: Ongoing. Delivery adjusted to December 2019.
Action 25: Remove key existing single points of failure and migrate currently aging infrastructure with Cenitex onto contemporary platforms that are ‘software defined’, integrated with the cloud and delivered in partnerships with industry leaders.
Status: Completed
Action 26: Launch a VicGov digital workspace or ‘desktop as a service’ and include this new service in the Cenitex service catalogue for customers.
Status: Completed
Action 27: Review and recommend cyber-security enhancements for government’s use of Office 365 and the Microsoft cloud environment.
Status: Completed
Action 28: Commence implementation of the top six priorities identified in the ICT Capability Uplift Plan.
Status: Completed
Action 30: Provide guidance for the governance of WOVG enterprise systems.
Status: Completed
November 2019
Action 1: Develop and launch version 2 of the Data Reform Strategy for the Victorian Public Service.
Status: Completed. The Victorian Centre for Data Insights Strategy replaced the Data Reform Strategy on 1 October 2019.
Action 2: Develop a consistent model to enshrine ethical data science for Victorian Government.
Status: Completed
December 2019
Action 4: Review and make recommendations to improve how data is collected, managed and used as part of legislative and regulatory performance reporting.
Status: Completed
Action 12: Identify a candidate for a WOVG enterprise solution and develop a Statement of Direction.
Status: Completed
February 2020
Action 3: Develop a Compliance by Design guideline to provide support incorporating information compliance and governance into the design of new processes and systems for the Victorian Government.
Status: Completed
Action 8: Improve the oversight and standards within application stores and code repositories to enable a unified Victorian Government Application presence.
Status: Completed
March 2020
Action 11: Identify and recommend a Workforce Identity and Access Management solution.
Status: Completed - a business case was endorsed by the Victorian Government Purchasing Board in December 2020
June 2020
Action 5: Extend the Family Safety Strategic Architecture to represent personas with intersectional characteristics and update the Strategic Roadmap.
Status: On Hold - to be incorporated into Digital Victoria
Action 6: Develop an operating model to increase use of Single Digital Presence (SDP) across the Victorian Public Service and progress work to develop voice interface technology requirements.
Status: Completed
Action 7: Develop additional Victorian Government digital standards and online tools that will support the creation of best-practice and user-friendly digital services.
Status: Completed
Action 9: Prototype solutions in targeted areas of digital disruption and digital opportunity to identify innovative ways to solve government problems.
Status: Completed - prototyping will continue through Digital Victoria
Action 10: Develop a research paper to guide the adoption of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) across the Victorian Government.
Status: Completed
Action 13: Commence year two of the ICT Capability Uplift Plan and continue implementation of the top six priorities.
Status: Completed
Action 14: Establish a mechanism to allow departments to share experiences and learnings to improve the overall expertise, increase the efficiency and reduce risks associated with transitioning to new common platforms
Status: Completed
Action 15: Investigate opportunities for a WOVG initiative to upskill Executives in digital literacy, leadership and innovation.
Status: Completed