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Information Technology Strategy 2017-18 Action Plan

This 2017-18 annual plan provides the second year of actions in the ongoing delivery of the IT strategy.

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Information Technology Action Plan 2017-18
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Message from the Special Minister of State

Victorians are on the pathway to easier engagement with government.

After successfully delivering on the actions in the first year of the Victorian Government Information Technology Strategy 2016-2020, we continue to work towards delivering efficient and cohesive access to government services and information.

Our first 12 months of action laid the foundations in a number of areas: in citizen engagement through the initial work of Service Victoria; in data through the creation of the Victorian Centre for Data Insights; in technology by confirming CenITex’s role and setting the underpinning direction for government’s major corporate systems and cyber security; and researching and planning for a government-wide IT capability uplift.

This is a multi-year journey. The government’s technology environments are complex, containing a mixture of old and new systems. We need systems that can readily exchange information where appropriate so that the government can deliver services more efficiently and easily and give better outcomes for the citizens we serve.

We need a digital government that is simple and easy to use for government employees and citizens. This will take a sustained reform of the ‘back end’ environment, based on planning and coordination.

I am pleased with the energy and cooperation demonstrated by government departments and agencies, and particularly note the role of the Chief Information Officers’ Leadership Group and the Victorian Secretaries Board, which are providing strong, effective, innovative and collaborative leadership.

We all know that technology is developing in ways that we often don’t expect, with new opportunities and new threats emerging. The foundations we lay now need to be solid, support good engagement, and provide a cohesive approach to technology, a sophisticated understanding of data and a realistic understanding of the capability we need to develop and maintain.

Victorians can have confidence that the reform and innovation we are working on will continue to focus on delivering a better experience and better outcomes.

Gavin Jennings, Special Minister of State

Our approach


  • better information
  • easier engagement
  • contemporary technology
  • capable people

The principles for delivery of the Victorian Government Information Technology Strategy 2016-2020 remain in force. Key to these are the following:

Focus on priority areas

Information and data reform

We want data and information to be available in a way that helps us make good decisions.

That means information comes from trusted sources, is accessible and provides evidence-based insights. Information should be consistent, easy to use, secure and integrated.

Digital opportunity

We want information and services that Victorians can easily access using any device at any time.

We want online processes for the public and government that will let us become more efficient and responsive, and that are respectful
of citizens’ time.

Technology reform

We want the technology systems we use to be contemporary, enable collaboration and share data.

Standard corporate systems across government reduce cost, improve productivity and streamline collaboration.

Capability uplift

We want government employees to understand the value of technology and be capable in procuring contemporary systems.

That means an improved understanding of cyber security, a strategic understanding of technology procurement, better project management and clearer governance.

Order of consideration

The ‘order of consideration’ for new or refreshed systems set out in the original strategy remains key to our approach.

Sharing’ remains first. Implicit in this is that the existing system being considered to be shared is itself contemporary, and not facing its own obsolescence issues.

  1. Share - Review existing solutions already implemented within the public service. These could either be existing shared services or a service that could be transitioned into a shared services model.
  2. Cloud - Assess cloud services where no existing suitable shared
  3. service exists.
  4. Buy - Buy “off the shelf” systems (avoiding customisation) with future sharing in mind.
  5. Build - Build a “bespoke” development if a reasonable fit for any one of the previous options cannot be obtained. This option is considered a last resort.

Figure 1: Order of consideration for ICT investment


Year 1
Action Plan

Year 2
Action Plan

Year 3
Action Plan
(yet to come)

Year 4
Action Plan
(yet to come)

Year 5
Action Plan
(yet to come)


Year 1 Progress Report published

Year 2 Progress Report
(yet to come)

Year 3 Progress Report
(yet to come)

Year 4 Progress Report
(yet to come)

Year 5 Progress Report
(yet to come)

Delivery guidelines

These principles underpin the government’s approach to technology delivery.

Digital (default)

The digital channel will be the default design paradigm for government services

Co-designed and citizen-centric

Victorians will be actively encouraged to participate in the design of citizen-centric digital services, which will be provided with end users in mind

Capability fostered

Government employees will develop capabilities to utilise market-based services to enable business objectives

Open, shared and managed information and data

  • default position is open and published (explicit exceptions)
  • managed as a shared and valued resource, decoupled from systems structures
  • uses standard global formats (decoupled from software products, allowing interoperation)
  • ‘single source of truth’ for personal data to reduce duplication, be transparent to citizens and open to correction
  • kept securely; available as needed – stored properly, described, and available to search

Enhanced business systems

For new and refreshed business systems, a modern approach to delivery will be undertaken. The order of consideration will be reuse, cloud, buy, then build


Presentation of government services will be designed and available from the perspective of smart phones and tablets first

Robust ICT program governance

Responsible governance and management structures will be in place throughout the life of a project to provide confidence in decision-making and outcomes that meet stakeholder needs

Strengthened procurement

Systems procurement will resist vendor ‘lock-in’, promote competition, and prefer open global data standards and standard global interoperability interfaces

Employee choice and flexibility

Employees should be given choice of devices and personal productivity and collaboration tools and should be able to easily work remotely from an office to serve citizens where they are

Standard corporate systems

Systems that provide basic corporate functionality, (such as identity, document management, briefing, finance, human resources management and procurement) will be shared, standardised and consolidated

Information and data reform

Why is this important?

Making information easier to find and access is part of being a transparent, trusted government.

This priority is about giving the government, citizens and business the ability to make better-informed decisions.

When citizens of Victoria want to access information or data relevant to them – particularly information held by the government about them personally – they should be able to see all of that information without having to visit multiple departments and websites where information is inconsistent or hard to find. They should feel confident their privacy is assured.

The government itself, as well as citizens, businesses and others who interact with the government, want decisions to be based on consistent, trusted information and data that is not lost in technological back alleys.

To serve and protect Victorians we also need to see across the boundaries between government agencies, and sometimes share information – for example where crime and family violence intersect.

Getting this right means Victorians can be more confident in the information that helps them make decisions and receive services. They can make decisions faster. Be more agile. They can spend less time finding information and more time using information.

Managing our information and data effectively and securely will reduce costs, improve efficiency for everyone, and will ensure Victorians have safe, timely and secure access to consistent, trusted data.

Key focus for 2017-18

In 2016-17 the government outlined the landscape for managing information and data and put in place foundations such as developing an information management framework and creating the Victorian Centre for Data Insights (VCDI) to allow better use and sharing of data.

With these in place, the focus moves to building more substance in the form of the policies, standards and guidance needed to manage and govern information and data.

After creating the VCDI in January 2017 and the appointment of Victoria’s first Chief Data Officer in April 2017, the focus will now be to ensure this innovation can operate effectively, with appropriate systems, policy and legislation in place. The VDCI will make a real difference to Victorians by improving how we analyse, integrate, share and use information, such as information relating to crime, infrastructure and family violence issues.

Integration, consistency, quality and relevance are also central to a major effort to improve the information and data used by government. We will be focusing on developing strategy and policies to move processes online and making it easier to exchange information within government and with third parties. The establishment of a government data directory – effectively an asset register of all government information – will see information treated as the important asset we know it to be, allowing us to better manage, share, protect and store it.

Digital opportunity

Why is this important?

It’s a digital world. People expect to access information and connect to friends, family or business from any device, anywhere, any time.

Victorians should be able to do the same when they engage with their government. Dealing with government should be easy, convenient and designed to suit how Victorians want to find information or make contact. None of us want to be caught up in complicated or duplicated transactions that are scattered across multiple government departments and multiple websites.

In an increasingly complicated, information-rich world, a digital government not only helps people engage for personal matters, it enhances our democracy and provides citizens with the opportunity to give their opinions about matters that are important to them, directly to their government.

In today’s busy world, a good government works effectively and efficiently. Moving away from paper-based manual processes towards digital information and service delivery is faster and more convenient. Providing an agile, mobile workplace for public sector workers will mean better, faster, more responsive and efficient government.

We are working to design processes that are ‘born digital’ and stay digital throughout their lifecycle. Together with the key focus on information and data, it means we can give Victorians better information and services that are easier to use and more secure.

Reducing complexity and ensuring good governance for the collection, use, storage and retrieval of information will be embedded into how we do things.

Key focus for 2017-18

It is critical that our frameworks, policies and projects are designed from the principle of being adaptable to a fast-changing technology environment. Getting this right at the front end will result in a more stable, secure, responsive and durable end product.

The 2016-17 focus was to consult across different departments, research, analyse and gain general agreement to what a digital government might look like. Key technologies were piloted, such as the VicRoads ‘VicTraffic’ application that gives people access to live data about travel conditions on our roads.

This year there is still a strong focus on consolidating the way forward and establishing the foundations for further progress – further research, agreeing the frameworks for a ‘whole of government’ digital world – as well as progressing to project status for some services.

The landmark project going live in 2017-18 this year is Service Victoria, which will allow Victorians to undertake an initial range of transactions with government, all from the one internet portal, with the range of transactions increasing over time.

Technology reform

Why is this important?

In order to be an effective government we must give our employees effective tools.

The Victorian Government, like many other organisations in the public and private sector, is struggling to work effectively under outdated technology systems that have been implemented as opportunities arose and technologies changed or were introduced.

The opportunity is to start implementing a carefully considered, planned and contemporary suite of standard services and systems that make it easier for government employees to do their work and serve the public.

In an increasingly high risk cyber security environment, it is essential that the government ensure that information and data pertaining to Victorians is protected.

When making technology procurement decisions for one department, we will consider how that solution can apply across the government, which means faster, more cost-effective IT solutions that reinforce overall information security and the integration of information across departments, and provides more stable services and more productive engagements for both employees and the public.

Key focus for 2017-18

The most significant achievement in this area last year was the development of a cyber security strategy for Victoria. This forms the basis for how we preserve and protect our information and information systems and ensure we are resilient to, and able to respond to, cyber security threats. The three-year Victorian Government Cyber Security Strategy has 23 actions over a rolling three-year period, starting with the appointment of Victoria’s first Chief Information Security Officer.

In year one of the IT strategy the remaining focus was on consulting across government to agree the overall direction for the government’s IT environment. Complex issues have been agreed, such as how we go about selecting IT systems so they are suitable for whole of government use, how we might use a common identity management approach to improve how we manage security and access for employees, and how we might move key government processes online.

Strategies and implementation plans are being developed for other key projects. Two projects that will come to realisation during the year will be new financial and human resources systems: these systems will be procured by a lead department, with an expectation that all other government departments will adopt the same system over time.

Capability uplift

Why is this important?

Making sound decisions about how we use, procure and implement information technology systems and services is critical to fulfilling the government’s responsibilities.

There is a fundamental set of skills needed for every employee who has to meet new or altered business needs. In the same way that no manager could do their job without a basic understanding of the financial resources of their unit, today no manager can operate and make decisions without understanding the technology and information resources that underpin their business.

Uplifting these skills within government means innovation will be easier, with better project delivery, better purchasing decisions and more confidence and willingness to cooperate across departments. We will reduce wastage of time and resources and will create the kind of integration, sharing and transparency that is critical to achieving our priorities.

It is particularly important that everyone involved in the process of reforming our IT environment be involved to ensure we maximise the benefits – executives, managers, IT specialists, vendor managers and other government employees involved in the process of building a modern digital government will be included in the capability uplift program.

Another key benefit will be consistency in reporting and governance, generating better transparency for both government and citizens on the cost, implementation and management of the core information technology that underpins how the government works and serves the people of Victoria.

Key focus for next 12 months

Progress has already been made in year one, with a review and update of the ICT governance and education program for government executives who sit on ICT project boards.

The broader plan for reaching all those involved in the process of reforming our technology environments has been drafted and this year will be validated and formed into a multi-year delivery plan that engages employees and supports the delivery of the government’s IT strategy. This program of work will touch all levels of decision-makers and implementers involved in creating a contemporary, integrated and efficient IT environment for government.

A review of how IT is procured has resulted in two major procurements for HR and finance systems for two different departments being the first to adopt the whole of government approach, where the requirements of all departments are considered as part of the decision-making process. These two initiatives will be the first test for how a cohesive approach to buying IT solutions can provide opportunities and benefits across government.

General cyber security awareness, not just in specialised IT teams but for all users of government information systems, will also be a critical element to creating a safer and more secure IT environment.




Implement the indicators for publicly-released data that measure quality and usefulness and which support the Information Sharing and Release Strategy.

June 2018

Develop Group 1 of standards arising from the Victorian Government Information Management Framework: Address Data Standard, Enterprise Data Management Plan Standard, Data Quality Standard, Caretaker Period Standard.

December 2017

Develop Group 2 of standards arising from the Victorian Government Information Management Framework: Machinery of Government Standard, Metadata Standard and Data Interchange Standard, Information Sharing and Release Plan Standard.

June 2018

Develop a whole-of-government ‘Information Sharing and Release Strategy’ focused on improving how government shares information internally and releases information to the public.

June 2018

Building on the creation of the Victorian Centre for Data Insights:

  • Introduce legislation to clearly outline how data can be shared across government to inform policy and service design, and to provide protections and safeguards to make sure such data is used in the right way.
  • Establish a data analytics technology platform for the Victorian Centre for Data Insights.

December 2017

Develop a data exchange framework to ease the sharing and/or integration of data between government and third parties and within government (for example via the API Hub).

March 2018

Implement a government information asset register (data directory) for internal use, based on the information management governance standard.

June 2018

Develop a position paper exploring the options and proposing a way forward for an overarching search capability for use within government, both over agencies and over time.

December 2017

Develop the API platform into a shared service for use by all departments (building on action 8 of the previous strategy), including governance framework and standards.

June 2018

Develop a position paper covering citizen and business identity within Victoria, and work with the Commonwealth to determine appetite for an Australian approach to supporting an ‘Identity Management Framework for Citizens and Businesses (as consumers of government services)’ that will allow for easier consumption of multi-level government digital services by Victorians.

Position Paper: December 2017

Complete the first phase of transitioning DPC websites onto one platform, standardising and consolidating websites to create a Single Digital Presence for DPC as a test case for broader website consolidation across government.

June 2018

Launch Service Victoria with its first tranche of digital transactions for citizens.

March 2018

Update research and develop a paper with a vision for the future digital workplace (based on the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction) that feeds into the Digital First Policy and takes into account emerging technologies.

March 2018

Develop a ‘Digital First Strategy’ and a supporting ‘Digital Workplace Strategy and Digital Workplace Policy’ focused on moving to a digital workplace by removing hardcopy from the workplace (digitisation), end-to-end digital business processes and digital record keeping.

June 2018

Finalise architectural model and commence implementation of cloud-based office productivity suite in accordance with the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction.

December 2017

Develop a Workforce Identity and Access Management Strategy, Implementation Plan and Governance Model to commence implementation of the Workforce Identity Management Statement of Direction (links to action 15 from previous strategy and action 17 from this strategy).

December 2017

Develop a Workforce Identity and Access Management framework and associated key policies and standards to govern Workforce Identity and Access Management.

June 2018

Develop high level governance model, processes and templates to support automated briefing and correspondence.

June 2018

Work with the Commonwealth and other States to propose a way forward for a cyber-security industry certification of software developers and cyber security professionals.

March 2018

Deploy a geo-spatially enabled government telecommunications assets register for internal use to assist with planning future government telecommunications investments, and develop principles to cater for external requests to access Victorian State assets for third party investments.

June 2018

Work with DTF (as the first department) and other departments to select a government-wide corporate finance ERP solution (based on the Finance Statement of Direction). Assist and facilitate DTF’s implementation of this cloud-based service (which will then be implemented across other departments).

May 2018

Work with DEWLP (as the first department) and other departments to select a government-wide corporate Human Capital Management ERP solution (based on the Human Capital Management Statement of Direction). Assist and facilitate DEWLP’s implementation of this cloud-based service (which will then be implemented across other departments).

June 2018

Develop an eProcurement Statement of Direction and high level implementation plan.

October 2017

Undertake a pilot innovation project that uses artificial intelligence / intelligent agents (possibly via an avatar) to demonstrate feasibility of an automated response to citizens seeking ‘who should I call’ information.

June 2018

Develop a review paper that evaluates the opportunities and impacts of emerging technologies such as the New Payments Platform and Blockchain.

March 2018

Following on from the ICT Projects Dashboard, establish a high level ‘portfolio management office’ function to form a portfolio view of government ICT projects over $1m, providing templates, advice and assistance where relevant.

February 2018

Develop a discussion paper with recommended next steps to position government for opportunities and disruptions arising from blockchain technology.

March 2018

Assess whole of government flexible workplace technologies, conduct pilots and produce a report with recommendations to improve interaction and collaboration with staff who work remotely.

April 2018

Implement the first round of actions arising from the IT Upskilling Plan delivered under action 26 of the previous strategy.

June 2018

Implement the recommendations arising from the review of how government procures IT delivered under action 24 of the previous strategy.

February 2018

Develop a data analytics capability framework for the Victorian Public Service.

December 2017

© State of Victoria (Department of Premier and Cabinet) 2017
