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Honouring Zelda D’Aprano

A Monument of One's Own co-conveners Kristine Ziwica and Professor Clare Wright, former Prime Minister Julia Gillard and sculptor Jennifer Mann posing together in front of the statue, a moment after the unveiling.
A moment after unveiling the statue of Zelda D'Aprano are (L-R): A Monument of One's Own co-conveners Kristine Ziwica and Professor Clare Wright, former Prime Minister Julia Gillard and sculptor Jennifer Mann.

Honouring Zelda D’Aprano is a life-size bronze sculpture. It captures the spirit of the day when the women’s rights campaigner chained herself to a government building to protest against a ruling on equal pay for women.

Located in front of the Victorian Trades Hall in Lygon Street, the statue invites viewers to literally stand with Zelda as the battle for gender equality continues.

Sculptor Jennifer Mann created the sculpture from a historic photograph. It was cast by Fundere Fine Art Foundry in Sunshine.

The sculpture depicts Zelda’s first act of protest – holding the chain she used to chain herself to the court building and carrying a sign stating:

No more male and female rates. One rate only.

Around the base is a quote from Zelda that reads:

Today it was me, tomorrow there will be two of us, the next day there will be three and it will go on and on and there won’t be any stopping it.

That’s what happened – 10 days later two teachers on strike, Alva Geikie and Thelma Solomon, joined in the protest with Zelda. Together they went on to form the Women’s Action Committee, leading activists campaigning across Melbourne.

On trams they paid 75% of fares because women were paid just 75% of men’s wages. They did outdoor pub crawls because women weren’t allowed to drink in bars. And they helped organise the first pro-choice rally for access to abortion healthcare.

In 2001 the Victorian Honour Roll of Women inducted Zelda in recognition of her work. In 2004 Zelda was awarded an Officer of the Order of Australia.

Artist: Jennifer Mann

Location: Victorian Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton.

All images provided by Victorian Trades Hall Council.

Photograph of Zelda D'Aprano chained to a courthouse. She is holding a sign that says
The historic photograph of Zelda D’Aprano that was the inspiration for the artwork.

In studio, the photograph of Zelda is resting nearing the array of tools used by the sculptor Jennifer Mann.
The tools of the trade and the inspiration.

Sculptor Jennifer Mann describes her work methodology to visitors from the Victorian Trades Hall
A Monument of One's Own co-conveners Kristine Ziwica and Professor Clare Wright discuss progress with sculptor Jennifer Mann.

The clay sculpture of Zelda has a fierce, determined visage.
Capturing the determination and strength of Zelda D'Aprano in the clay sculpture.

Cameron is wearing protective gear as he pour molten bronzed into a mould at the foundry.
At Fundere Foundry, the metal is superheated to molten liquid. Cameron McIndoe is clad from foot to head in protective gear as he carefully pours the molten bronze into the plaster casts.

A piece of the plaster mould, broken away after the bronze casting.
After the bronze has been cast and cooled, the plaster mould is pulled off and put aside.

A leg and forearm lie on a bench in the foundry after being cast from their moulds.
The statue is cast from moulds piece by piece.

The statue of Zelda holding a chain in her left hand.
The outstretched left hand holds a chain, the details captured in the bronze.

Two workers in orange high vis vests communicate to the forklift driver that the statue is in place.
The statue is lowered into position with the aid of a forklift outside the Victorian Trades Hall.

Sculptor Jennifer Mann and Cameron from the foundry with the bronze statue of Zelda D'Aprano in front of the Victorian Trades Hall.
Sculptor Jennifer Mann and Cameron McIndoe with Zelda in place, in front of the Victorian Trades Hall.

The plaque on the base of Zelda's statue. It has her quote
The base of the statue includes the quote by Zelda D'Aprano: "Today it was me, tomorrow there will be two of us, the next day there will be three and it will go on and on and there won't be any stopping it.”

The Women's Public Art Program complements the Victorian Honour Roll of Women, which celebrates women's outstanding leadership and contributions to life in Victoria.

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