You can download the year one achievements report PDF here or read the full text below.
Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy Achievements Report Year One
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Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy Achievements Report Year One
Leadership, empowerment and cultural change
All Victorians are visible, have an equal voice and occupy decision-making roles, not only at work, but in communities, sport, media and the arts
- Boosted the number of women in leadership positions – 53 per cent of paid public board positions are held by women as at 28 February 2018.
- Launched two major women’s programs, with 21 women participating in the Joan Kirner Young and Emerging Women Leaders Program and 192 women receiving scholarships in the Women’s Board Leadership Program in 2017-18.
- Provided $50,000 to the GoWomenLG2016 program to increase the number and diversity of candidates at Victorian local government elections.
- Launched Korin Korin Balit-Djak, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017-2027, lifting Aboriginal women’s voices, participation and leadership.
- Re-launched the Rural Women’s Network.
- Funded projects to support and strengthen Victoria’s LGBTI community.
- Convened the inaugural Empowering Women for the Future Summit to empower women in the Victorian Public Service to reach their full career potential.
- Enhanced the visibility and functionality of the Victorian Women’s Register.
- Set targets to increase the number of female firefighters from 100 to 400 over the next four years.
- Invested $5 million for leadership development for the Metropolitan Fire Brigade and the Country Fire Association and invested $2.5 million over two years for a diversity and culture change program to promote a positive cultural shift in those agencies.
Victorians model and promote a commitment to gender equality
- Expanded the reach and visibility of the Victorian Honour Roll of Women.
- Provided $370,000 to support the Her Place Women’s Museum Australia.
- Funded ‘Afghan Guiding’, the partnership program delivered by Girl Guides Victoria in partnership with Southern Migrant Resource Centre that empowers Afghan women and girls and supports gender equality.
- Launched a calendar of women’s cultural and campaign events.
Gender equality is embedded in all Victorian Government decisions and actions
- Established a Ministerial Council on Women’s Equality to provide expert advice on the future of gender equality in Victoria.
- Commenced a gender auditing pilot in all Victorian Government departments, a local government and two statutory bodies.
- Introduced Gender Equality Budget Statements starting with the inaugural 2017-18 Gender Equality Budget Statement.
The Victorian Government models gender equality best practice in the workplace
- Continued to support the rollout of flexible work arrangements across the Victorian Public Service.
- Introduced family violence leave in the Victorian Public Sector.
Safety and freedom from gender-based violence
All Victorians are safe in their homes, communities and workplaces
- Invested $1.9 billion to help implement every recommendation made by the Royal Commission into Family Violence.
- Launched Free from violence: Victoria’s strategy to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women and the Strategy’s First Action Plan.
- Commenced work on an agency dedicated to the prevention of family violence.
- Launched the Victorian Government’s prevention campaign, seen by over one in four Victorians.
- Delivered the Prevention of Violence Against Women Respect and Responsibility program to develop the leadership capacity of young women and men from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Conducted research into the determinants of violence against LGBTI people.
- Provided $3.85 million for 34 projects and partnerships that undertake primary prevention work within local and regional communities.
- Delivered the 16-day awareness-raising campaign Victoria Against Violence.
Victorians do not tolerate attitudes and behaviours that support gender inequality
- Commenced a state-wide behaviour change advertising campaign to address the attitudes and behaviours that lead to family violence and violence against women.
- Partnered with Our Watch to develop tools, resources and training materials for workplaces to promote gender equality.
- Collaborated with the Stella Prize to deliver reading lists for young people to promote respectful relationships and gender equality.
- Partnered with Girl Geek Academy to co-design the concept for a ‘gender gap app’ to highlight gender inequality in urban environments.
Work and economic security
Victorians are rewarded equitably for their contribution in all aspects of society
- Established the Equal Workplaces Advisory Council to provide expert advice on practical ways to achieve gender pay equality in Victorian workplaces.
- Is enacting a new Long Service Leave Act which will include fairer entitlements to long service leave for women and parents when taking parental leave.
- Strongly advocated for an increase to award and minimum wages to tackle stagnating wage growth, rising inequality and reduce cost of living pressures on Victorian families as part of our submission to the Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review 2017-18. Low award wages disproportionately affect women.
- Lodged a submission in support of the Australian Council of Trade Union’s claim for ten days paid family violence leave in response to the Fair Work Commission’s 2016 Modern Award Review – Family and Domestic Violence Leave.
- Funded programs to increase the financial security of culturally and linguistically diverse women.
Participation in learning, education, the economy and society is not limited by gender
- Built the STEM skills of Victorian teachers.
- Encouraged girls to undertake studies and pursue careers in STEM.
- Promoted and supported women in small business through mentorship, workshops and the Small Business Festival.
- Invested in women’s entrepreneurialism and innovation.
- Conducted research into barriers to women pursuing specialist medical training.
- Supported more women into the workforce by partnering with Fitted for Work and McAuley Community Services for Women.
- Launched the Community Revitalisation Program in Flemington with a focus on supporting women with pre-school aged children into work.
Health and wellbeing
All Victorians are socially connected and healthy
- Released Victoria’s first women’s sexual and reproductive health strategy.
- Provided funding to the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Healthy Lifestyle Team who designed, led and evaluated #HerTribe, a highly successful holistic healthy lifestyle and self-empowerment program.
- Championed change for communities affected by female genital mutilation/cutting.
- Promoted cultural change in healthcare, ensuring equality, diversity, and employee safety.
- Promoted gender-conscious parenting in maternal and child health.
- Opened the first clinic in Victoria dedicated to providing women with polycystic ovarian syndrome access to the treatment, expert advice and support they need.
All Victorians benefit equitably from the enjoyment and empowerment of sport
- Established the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, headed up by the trailblazing athlete and physician, Dr Bridie O’Donnell, to ensure all women and girls can play the sports they love.
- Advocated to the Commonwealth Government to set a minimum amount of coverage of women’s sport on the ABC.