1. Victorians live free from gendered norms, stereotypes, and expectations
Victorians do not tolerate attitudes and behaviour that support gender inequality:
- decrease in prevalence of reported workplace and everyday sexism, sexual harassment and gender discrimination*
- increase in positive bystander behaviour towards gender inequality and discrimination based on sex and gender*
- decrease in attitudes that justify, excuse, minimise, hide or shift violence against women*
Victorians model and promote a commitment to gender equality:
- increase in the number of workplaces and organisations that demonstrate a commitment to gender equality*
- increase in support, recognition and value placed on unpaid work
- decrease in representations of restrictive gender norms in the media, advertising and the arts
2. Victorians are empowered, healthy and safe
Health and wellbeing are not limited by gender:
- improved sexual and reproductive health#
- improved mental wellbeing#
- improved physical health#
- increase participation of women and girls in sport and active recreation#
- improved outcomes for women in the criminal justice system
All Victorians are safe and treated with respect in their homes, communities and workplaces:
- increase in people reporting they enjoy safe, healthy and respectful relationships#
- reduction in all forms of family and sexual violence*#
- increase in women feeling safe in public spaces*#
- increase in connection to culture and community#
3. Victorians have equal access to economic and material security
Victorians are rewarded equitably for their contribution in all aspects of society:
- increase gender income equity and security
- increased representation of women in all settings and at all levels of leadership
- increased diversity of women leaders
Participation in education and the economy is not limited by gender:
- reduced gender segregation in occupations and education
- reduced gender gap in workplace participation
Access to safe and secure housing is not limited by gender:
- improved outcomes for homeless women, especially single mothers and older women#
- reduced housing stress for households headed by single women
4. The Victorian Government is a leader on gender equality
Gender equality is embedded in all Victorian Government decisions and actions:
- increased focus on gender equality in Victorian Government procurement and grant giving
- increased focus on gender equality in Victorian Government policy making
Outcomes framework alignment key
* Victoria's Free From Violence Outcomes Framework
# Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework