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Next steps

The review of the FRV fire district for the current 4-year cycle is underway.

As required under legislation, where there is a change in fire risk, or for the purpose of this inaugural review where there is a high risk of fire, the Panel will publish its initial determination in the Victorian Government Gazette by April 2023.

Following publication, the Panel will suspend the review for a period to be determined of up to 12 months for CFA to advise on support arrangements to volunteer brigades to ensure that they have the capacity to respond effectively to address identified fire risk.

The review will be completed, and final report containing the Panel’s recommendations will be submitted to the Minister, by 30 June 2024.

The final determination on any changes to the FRV fire district boundaries will be made by the Minister.

The Panel will continue to engage with key stakeholders throughout the life of the current review.
