In September 2021, the Fire District Review Panel (the Panel) published a discussion paper as part of its consultation on the review of the Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) fire district boundaries. The discussion paper outlined the proposed methodology for the risk assessment and sought to gather feedback from key stakeholders and anyone with an interest in the work of the Panel.
The Panel wrote to 100 stakeholders inviting formal written submissions. Feedback was also sought from the general public via a structured survey made available on our Fire District Review Panel page.
Formal written submissions and feedback via the structured survey closed on 19 November 2021.
The Panel received 13 formal written submissions from key stakeholders and 68 responses from the general public via a structured survey. These are available on the Panel's website. Subsequently, the Panel has considered the feedback received and the availability of data, and the methodology has evolved accordingly.
The methodology is now finalised for the inaugural four-year review cycle which commenced 1 July 2020 and will be completed 30 June 2024.