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Domain 3: Perpetrators

Perpetrators are held accountable, connected and take responsibility for stopping their violence

Perpetrator accountability is everybody’s business.

The Royal Commission into Family Violence recommended a response that links all parts of the service system, including government, justice and social services sectors.

This needs to be done to overcome the existing fragmented and episodic response to perpetrators. It will also create a mutually reinforcing ‘web of accountability’ that:

  • stops perpetrators from committing further violence
  • keeps them in view
  • holds them to account
  • supports them to change their behaviour and attitudes.

The system can and should hold perpetrators responsible for their behaviour. However, only perpetrators themselves can choose to end their use of violence.

Every time a perpetrator interacts with the service system, there is an opportunity to effect behaviour change. If interventions are targeted to the right perpetrators at the right time, it can avoid significant costs to victim survivors, the community and government.

The outcomes and indicators in this domain were refreshed through a consultation process in 2020. The refresh focused on broadening the scope of the domain to ensure it reflects whole-of-system accountability, in line with recommendations by the Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions.

We are focused on strengthening this domain, with refreshed measures presently in development. We have also commenced work to develop and implement client outcomes measurement for perpetrators participating in interventions, including perpetrator accommodation support services and behaviour change programs. This work is supported by the development of a whole-of-Victorian Government theory of change and monitoring and evaluation framework for perpetrator interventions.

Family Violence Outcomes Framework: Domain 3

  • Download 'Family Violence Outcomes Framework: Domain 3'

Outcomes measures data
