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Economic Growth Victoria

Economic Growth Victoria is the Victorian Government’s new agency dedicated to identifying opportunities to boost sustainable and inclusive economic growth across Victoria.

Economic Growth Victoria is led by the Commissioner for Economic Growth and Better Regulation, who oversees both Economic Growth Victoria and Better Regulation Victoria.

Economic Growth Victoria undertakes research and inquiries at the direction of the Treasurer on matters relating to economic, social and environmental issues that affect the wellbeing of Victorians including:

  • growing a more dynamic economy in an equitable and sustainable manner
  • the efficiency and effectiveness of regulation
  • industry performance
  • the efficiency and effectiveness of public services
  • growing a skilled workforce.

In conducting its inquiries, Economic Growth Victoria aims to actively consult with government, industry and the community, and consider a wide range of economic, social and environmental factors. Recommendations to government cover both short-term actions and longer-term strategic reform opportunities.

Economic Growth Victoria also promotes public understanding of matters relating to industry, regulation, sustainable and inclusive productivity growth and public service delivery.


Victoria’s use of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology with significant potential for the Victorian economy as well as challenges for the public and public policy. It presents new complexities, risks and opportunities which require a coordinated and strategic approach in Victoria.

Recognising the long-term, existing work on enhanced digital and data practices throughout the Victorian Government and across the economy, the Treasurer, Tim Pallas MP, has asked the Commissioner for Economic Growth to review and report on Victoria’s use of artificial intelligence.

View the Review of artificial intelligence use in Victoria - Terms of Reference.

Get in touch

If you would like to get in contact with the Commissioner for Economic Growth, or to speak to a member of Economic Growth Victoria, please contact
