A new, free coaching program is open to support teachers and educators returning to, or joining, the Victorian early childhood workforce, with information sessions coming up in May.
The program, delivered by Gowrie Victoria in partnership with the department, aims to support returning teachers and educators to access local networks and development opportunities. Gowrie Victoria is accepting registrations from people keen to participate in the coaching program.
Join an online information session on either Wednesday 24 or Tuesday 30 May 2023 for a briefing on the program and its benefits. We encourage sector leaders and experienced early childhood professionals to attend these one-hour sessions.
Please share this information with your colleagues.
Session details
Gowrie Victoria will deliver 2 Coaching Program for Returning Teachers and Educators information sessions in May. Refer below for session and registration details.
Date: Wednesday 24 May 2023
Time: 4 pm to 5 pm
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Cost: free.
Date: Tuesday 30 May 2023
Time 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Cost: free.
To register to attend one of the information sessions, please email: coaching@gowrievictoria.org.au
Find out more
For more information about the program, visit Gowrie Victoria.