If you work for a service that provides early childhood education, we’d like to hear from you.
Public consultation is now open for the Best Start, Best Life reform, which represents the most significant change to Victoria’s early childhood education sector in a generation.
You can play a part in shaping the implementation of this reform by completing a short survey through the Engage Victoria website.
The survey should take between 5 to 8 minutes to complete and will close on Sunday 14 May 2023.
Please share the survey with your networks
We are also seeking feedback from parents and carers, and members of the Victorian public with an interest in early childhood education.
This could include those who are part of the broader early childhood sector, such as maternal and child health nurses, allied health professionals, social workers, or anyone with an interest in early childhood education.
Anyone can access the survey through the Engage Victoria website.
Please share this survey link with your colleagues, networks, and families.
We are excited about the opportunities for early childhood education over the next decade and look forward to continuing to work with you to shape the reform.
Find out more
For more information on the reform, refer to Best Start, Best Life.
For further enquiries, contact the Best Start Best Life Taskforce Advisory Group Secretariat by email: bsbltag.secretariat@education.vic.gov.au