- Published by:
- Department of Education
- Date:
- 5 Dec 2024
The Early Childhood Update e-newsletter is sent to early childhood teachers and workers, but is open to anyone interested in best practice in early years education and evidence-based teaching approaches. Subscribe here to receive the e-newsletter(opens in a new window).
Reflections on 2024 and looking ahead to the year to come
As 2024 comes to a close, I’m grateful for the chance to acknowledge the sector’s achievements over the past 12 months.
Dear early childhood education colleagues
It is difficult to start this year’s last edition of Early Childhood Update on such a sad note, but I would like to acknowledge the loss of a respected colleague to many in Victoria’s early childhood education sector.
Eleanor Bryant passed away last month in a tragic accident at Macedon Ranges Montessori Pre-School in Riddells Creek. Eleanor, a talented speech pathologist dedicated to improving the lives of children, was herself a mother of 2, a wife, a friend and a colleague. Her loss is greatly felt throughout her community and the sector. On behalf of the department, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to all who knew and loved Eleanor, as well as to those children and families who benefited from her professional skill and care.
As 2024 comes to a close, I’m grateful for the chance to acknowledge the sector’s achievements over the past 12 very busy months.
Last month, we recognised the outstanding work taking place across the state in early childhood education at the 2024 Victorian Early Years Awards(opens in a new window). The awards are always a bright spot in my calendar, and it was wonderful to be able to put up in lights the work of such brilliant and inspiring early years professionals and the impact they are having on the lives of Victorian children and families.
Your continued support for the landmark Best Start, Best Life reforms has meant Victorian children have benefited on average from more than 13 hours per week of Three-Year-Old Kinder in addition to the 15 hours per week of Four-Year-Old Kinder they will access the following year.
Even as we have expanded service delivery, program quality has remained high with 95 per cent of Victorian kindergarten services meeting or exceeding the National Quality Standard.
These are phenomenal achievements, all which require significant effort and dedication – thank you again for all your work to reach these milestones.
Looking ahead, as these reforms progress and consolidate, we’ll keep the focus on improving access to high-quality education for many more Victorian children, especially those facing barriers and those the evidence shows will benefit most from these reforms.
To this end, next year Pre-Prep(opens in a new window) will start to roll out across the state, and will be available in 6 local government areas. Early Learning Victoria(opens in a new window), which is overseeing the establishment of 50 new government-owned and operated early learning and childcare centres, will also open the doors to the first 4 of its centres.
Across 2025, we will continue to invest in you, the early childhood education workforce, with programs to support your professional development and to continue to grow the numbers of early years professionals.
Thank you once more for your immense contributions to Victorian children and families this year.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period, during which you all enjoy spending time with family and friends and taking a well-earned break.
Jenny Atta
Department of Education
Accessing Arrival in 2025
Find out how to be ready to start using Arrival.

Arrival(opens in a new window) is a new purpose-built system that will replace the Kindergarten Information Management System (KIMS) for mandatory kindergarten data reporting. Arrival will also include functionality to enable sessional services to collect and report attendance data.
The data insights gained through Arrival will provide valuable information around attendance levels. This will help drive our collective efforts to support kindergarten attendance, so that Victorian children receive the full learning and developmental benefits of a quality early childhood education.
Details for accessing Arrival
Starting in January 2025, KIMS service provider administrators will be sent an email inviting them to log in to Arrival.
On their initial login, they must validate their access to Arrival by verifying their identity by text message, personal email or an authenticator app.
Once KIMS service provider administrators have logged into Arrival, they will be able to start adding users and inviting them to join the system.
For more information, refer to our Arrival: Guidance and resources(opens in a new window) webpage.
Arrival readiness checklist
A reminder that an Arrival readiness checklist is available to support providers and services to prepare for the transition to Arrival in January 2025.
The checklist is for both sessional and long day care services and is available on our Arrival: Guidance and resources(opens in a new window) webpage.
Enrolment data bulk upload file
A CSV file to support system users to bulk upload 2025 enrolment data into Arrival will be available this month.
The file includes all the enrolment information fields required for 2025. To download the file when it becomes available, refer to the Arrival: Guidance and resources(opens in a new window) webpage.
Thank you for your continued support as we transition to Arrival in January 2025.
Find out more
For more information, refer to the Arrival homepage(opens in a new window).
For further enquiries, email the department’s Arrival Implementation team: arrival.implementation@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
Check out the new Pre-Prep Calculator
The new calculator will help families work out when their child can start Pre-Prep.

To help families navigate the Pre-Prep roll-out schedule, we have developed a Pre-Prep Calculator(opens in a new window).
We invite you to use the calculator, test it out, and share it with the families at your service.
From 2025, Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is gradually becoming Pre-Prep. Starting in 6 local government areas (LGAs) in 2025, Pre-Prep will roll out across the state in stages. By 2036, children across Victoria will have access to 30 funded hours of Pre-Prep a week.
The Pre-Prep Calculator allows families to check their child’s eligibility for Pre-Prep and understand what the roll-out schedule means for their child. It factors in the child’s age, LGA and priority group status.
Together with the Starting Age Calculator(opens in a new window), these interactive tools help parents and carers to easily seek clear information on their child’s eligibility for kindergarten programs, including Pre-Prep.
Please consider sharing the template text below with your community through your communication channels.
Template text to share with families
As you may know, from 2025 Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is gradually becoming Pre-Prep in stages as it is rolled out across the state. Access to Pre-Prep is determined by a range of factors – including your location and if your child is part of a priority group.
The Department of Education has developed an easy-to-use ‘Pre-Prep Calculator’ to help you check your child’s eligibility for Pre-Prep.
The new calculator will factor in your child’s birth date, local government area and priority group status to show their potential eligibility for kindergarten programs, including Four-Year-Old Kinder and Pre-Prep, the maximum numbers they are eligible for each week, and when they can start.
You can access the calculator on the department’s Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is becoming Pre-Prep (opens in a new window)webpage.
Find out more
For more information about the Pre-Prep rollout and to access the Pre-Prep Calculator, refer to Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is becoming Pre-Prep(opens in a new window).
For further enquiries, email: EC.portfolio.communications@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
Raising Children in Victoria survey
Encourage parents and carers of children to take part in the survey, open until midnight 15 December 2024.

The Victorian Government is calling for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 12 years to take part in the Raising Children in Victoria(opens in a new window) survey.
The government wants to hear about families’ experiences, needs, preferences and perspectives on raising children in Victoria. This is an important opportunity for the government to hear from all types of families who use early childhood services, including early childhood education and care.
Please share information about how to take part in the survey with parents and carers of children enrolled in your service and any staff members with children aged 0 to 12 years. To help you with this, we’ve developed template text that can go out through your communications channels.
Input from families is central to ensuring Victoria continues to meet their changing needs in the early years and beyond.
About the survey
The survey takes 5 minutes to complete and includes questions for parents and carers including:
- how they find information about raising children
- what services they have used during their child’s development.
The survey responses will help to improve services, and make them easier to find, and more beneficial to families.
Template text to share with families
Are you a parent or carer? Tell us about your experiences raising children in Victoria.
The Victorian Government wants to hear from parents and carers in a new survey(opens in a new window).
You can complete the survey if you’re a parent, carer, kinship carer or foster carer to children aged 0 to 12 years. The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.
The survey will ask:
- how you find information about raising children
- what services you have used during your child’s development
Your feedback will help make child and family services easier to find, use and benefit from.
The survey closes at midnight on Sunday 15 December 2024.
Find out more
For more information, refer to Children in Victoria(opens in a new window) survey.
For further enquiries, contact the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing by email: engagement@dffh.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
Victorian Early Years Awards 2024 winners announced
We recognised early childhood professionals and initiatives for their outstanding work and achievements.

The winners of the 19th Victorian Early Years Awards were announced on Thursday 7 November 2024 by the Minister for Children, the Hon Lizzie Blandthorn MP.
Radio broadcaster and author Jacinta Parsons hosted the awards that celebrate the work and achievements of our early years professionals and early childhood services.
Winners across the 9 award categories exemplified the vital work driving the early years sector.
The winners of each category received a grant of $15,000 for professional development or to support their nominated initiatives.
Individual honours
For their demonstrated exemplary practice in early childhood education and exceptional dedication to improving outcomes for children and their families, the individual category award winners were:
- Early Childhood Teacher of the Year: Pauline Dent, from Rosedale Uniting Early Learning
- Educator of the Year Award: Margot Serena, from Craig Family Centre
- The Emeritus Professor Collette Tayler Excellence in Educational Leadership award: Chloe Edgar, from Discovery Tree Early Learning Centre.
Service and organisations award- recipients
Representing services and organisations achieving high-quality outcomes, this year’s award recipients in the various categories were:
- Improving Access and Participation in Early Learning: ‘Enrol to Kinder Day’ – Mildura Rural City Council, in partnership with Connected Beginnings Mildura
- Supporting Parents to Build their Capacity and Confidence: ‘The Nest’ – Go Goldfields, in partnership with Regional Development Victoria, Central Goldfields Shire Council, Maryborough District Health Services and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
- Creating Collaborative Community Partnerships: Ballarat’s Children: Collaborating for Systems Improvement’ – City of Ballarat Council, in partnership with Grampians Public Health Unit and Uniting Ballarat
- Promoting Children’s Health and Wellbeing: ‘Tiny Dots Early Intervention’– Tiny Dots, in partnership with Dot to Dot Intervention
- Continuity of Early Learning: ‘A Great Start to School’ – Go Goldfields, in partnership with Central Goldfields Shire Council, Maryborough District Health Services, Best Start, Loddon Early Childhood Improvement Branch, all Central Goldfields Kindergartens and Schools
- The Aunty Rose Bamblett Koorie Early Years Legacy Award: Rosedale Uniting Early Learning.
The Minister’s Award
Finalists in each category were also eligible to win the prestigious Minister’s Award, selected by the Minister for Children.
This year’s winner was Early Childhood Teacher of the Year finalist Jacinta Anderson, from Moe Heights Preschool. Jacinta was recognised for her exemplary practice and exceptional achievement in improving outcomes for young children.
For more highlights from the evening, check out our video.
Find out more
For more information about this year’s winners and finalists, refer to Winners of the 2024 Victorian Early Years Awards(opens in a new window).
For further queries, please contact the department by email: early.years.awards@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
Kinder Kits for 2025
Services will be contacted soon to confirm orders.

Kinder Kits(opens in a new window) are back again for 2025 and will be available for every eligible child enrolled in funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten.
Next year, each Kinder Kit will be packed into a backpack and will be filled with books, educational toys and activities made especially for 3-year-olds to enjoy at home.
Our contracted supplier, Bao&Co, will contact services directly from December 2024 into Term 1, 2025, to confirm Kinder Kit orders for your service.
Kinder Kits will be delivered throughout Term 1, 2025.
To be eligible for a Kinder Kit in 2025, a child must be starting either:
- funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten
- their first year of Early Start Kindergarten; or
- their first year of Access to Early Learning.
Three-year-old children in long day care but not a funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program and 4-year-olds in kindergarten or long day care programs are not eligible to receive a Kinder Kit.
Find out more
More information will be available on our webpage soon. Please refer to our Kinder Kits webpage(opens in a new window) for updates.
For further enquiries, contact the department by email: kinder.kits@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
School Saving Bonus now available for children transitioning to school
Share information about the $400 bonus with parents and carers of children in Four-Year-Old Kindergarten.

With the School Saving Bonus, the Victorian Government is providing a one-off $400 support for Victorian families to use towards 2025 school costs.
Parents and carers with children starting Prep at a Victorian government school in 2025, or with older children at government schools in 2025, have now received the $400 School Saving Bonus(opens in a new window).
Please provide the following information to families of children in Four-Year-Old Kindergarten.
Template text to share with families
The Victorian Government is making life a little bit easier for families with the $400 School Saving Bonus. This support will help cover the cost of school uniforms, textbooks, and school activities.
The School Saving Bonus was emailed directly to parents and carers in late November, from the Department of Education.
Please check your junk mail. If you cannot find the email, please email school.saving.bonus@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
The email contains a unique code that you can use to shop in store at school-nominated suppliers.
You can also access the School Saving Bonus online system(opens in a new window), where you can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus online system, download the step-by-step user guide(opens in a new window) or watch this video(opens in a new window) (turn on captions for translations, available in 14 languages).
Find out more
For more information about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus(opens in a new window).
For further enquiries, please use the School Saving Bonus enquiry form(opens in a new window) or contact the department by email: school.saving.bonus@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
Early Childhood Education and Care Staff Survey 2024
Help shape the future of the sector’s workforce by completing the national survey and sharing it with your staff.

Educators, teachers, directors, managers and coordinators working in an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) service in Victoria are invited to take part in the 2024 ECEC Staff Survey(opens in a new window).
The Commonwealth Department of Education has engaged ORIMA to conduct the survey.
The survey helps governments develop policies to better attract and retain ECEC professionals and monitor the progress of the National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy.
Please share this article with all early childhood teachers and educators in your service/s.
About the survey
The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
It asks questions about your:
- satisfaction with the job, employment conditions and workplace culture
- wellbeing
- views on working in the ECEC sector
- attraction to and retention in the ECEC sector.
The survey closes 11:59 pm Monday 16 December 2024. Respondents will enter into a draw to win one of 30 $100 vouchers.
Participation in the survey is voluntary, and responses will be treated as private and confidential. Findings will be de-identified so that no person or service can be identified.
Find out more
For more information about this national survey, refer to ECEC Staff Survey 2024(opens in a new window) on the ORIMA website.
New provider for early childhood language services
Help strengthen communication and engagement with CALD families by using free interpreting and translation services.

From 1 January 2025, All Graduates - Interpreting & Translating(opens in a new window) will provide funded kindergarten services and eligible early childhood support services with access to free on-site, telephone and video interpreters.
All funded kindergarten services will also have access to the free document translation service.
Using an interpreter for a discussion or translating information strengthens communication and engagement with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) families and encourages participation.
All Graduates - Interpreting & Translating(opens in a new window) will contact services directly to provide a Welcome Pack including login and access details and information on how to register and request free interpreting and translation services.
Interpreting and translation bookings for December 2024
For the remainder of the 2024 calendar year, VITS LanguageLoop will continue to provide Early Childhood Language Services to funded kindergarten services and eligible early childhood support services.
If your service already uses the department’s free Early Childhood Language Services, you should continue to use your current VITS LanguageLoop access PIN, login details and instructions to book an interpreter or request document translation.
You can continue to make interpreting bookings in advance for 2025. LanguageLoop will forward all future 2025 interpreting booking details to the department.
We remind services that translated information about kinder programs is already available in 30 languages(opens in a new window).
Find out more
For more information, refer to the Early Childhood Language Services - Interpreting and Translating(opens in a new window)
For further enquiries, contact the department's Early Years CALD programs team by email: early.years.cald.programs@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window).
Looking to the new kindergarten year
Resources to help you mark the start of the year and share information with families about 2025 programs.

With 2025 approaching, it’s time to prepare for a new year of learning.
This article provides a snapshot of the key reforms commencing and continuing in the upcoming year in early childhood education in Victoria. It lists resources to help you welcome families to and share information with your community.
Please share this article with all early childhood teachers and educators in your service/s.
Snapshot for 2025
- New in 2025: Children in local government areas – Ararat, Gannawarra, Hindmarsh, Murrindindi, Northern Grampians and Yarriambiack will have access to Pre-Prep as the rollout commences
- New in 2025: Early Learning Victoria centres will open in Murtoa, Sunshine, Fawkner and Eaglehawk, the first 4 of the Victorian Government’s 50 early learning and childcare centres
- Free Kinder will continue, benefiting up to 140,000 children and their families
- The Three-Year-Old Kindergarten rollout will continue, with hours continuing to increase across the state
- Kinder Kits are back again for 2025 and will be available for every eligible child enrolled in Three-Year-Old Kindergarten. For more information, refer to Kinder Kits(opens in a new window)
- Services will prepare for the launch of Pre-Prep statewide in 2026 for children prioritised for early access. A further 12 local government areas will prepare to launch Pre-Prep in 2026.
Resources available
There are resources available to help services mark the start of the year, welcome families and communicate about 2025 programs.
These include:
- the Communicating about your kindergarten(opens in a new window) webpage – information and digital materials you can share on your social media channels, websites and newsletters to promote your kindergarten programs, and the benefits of 2 years of kindergarten
- the newly released Kindergarten Sector Guide(opens in a new window)– key information about the Best Start, Best Life reforms, and key initiatives such as Pre-Prep and Free Kinder. The guide also has information about the support available for children to access and take part in kindergarten programs, such as Early Start Kindergarten
- the 2025 start-of-year communication pack(opens in a new window) – sample newsletter content and social media posts to mark the start of the new year, talking points for conversations with families and links to further information
- the Information about kindergarten in your language(opens in a new window) webpage – information about kindergarten in Victoria in 30 languages
- the Tips for starting kindergarten(opens in a new window) webpage – tips designed for families to help them prepare for commencing kindergarten
- Kindergarten for Aboriginal children: Koorie Kids Shine(opens in a new window) – resources designed by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families.
There are also a range of free resources services can order through the Victorian Kindergarten Resources microsite(opens in a new window), such as the Kinder Tick signage.
Be part of the new year of learning
We want to hear from you, your teams and families about how you celebrate the new year of learning. Submit a short video or photo and a brief description of your story, and we will share it on our @earlychildhoodvic Instagram channel.
Stories may include:
- what your service is doing to welcome 2025 kinder families
- a newly graduated teacher or educator on their first day at kinder
- families returning to the kinder room for Four-Year-Old Kindergarten programs or for siblings starting at Three-Year-Old Kindergarten
- getting ready for kinder and what that means for you and your family.
Download our guide to filming short videos for social media for inspiration.
To submit your story, send a short video (20 to 50 seconds) or high-resolution image and brief outline of your story to EC.portfolio.communications@education.vic.gov.au
Find out more
For more information, refer to:
Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program boosting our early childhood workforce
Explore opportunities available for early childhood teachers on temporary visas or overseas to live and work in Victoria.

Applications for the Victorian Government’s 2024–25 skilled visa nomination program(opens in a new window) are open.
The program allows skilled professionals to live and work in Victoria. Early childhood teachers (ECTs) are on the skilled occupation list and are eligible to apply for a skilled visa nomination.
This is a great opportunity to boost our early childhood workforce and help ECTs currently on temporary visas to stay and work in Victoria and take up a pathway to permanent residency.
We’re encouraging service providers and ECTs to explore this opportunity:
- service providers can promote the program to ECTs currently employed on temporary visas
- eligible ECTs living in Victoria and overseas can submit a registration of interest on the Live in Melbourne(opens in a new window) website.
Please share this article with all early childhood teachers and educators in your service/s.
About the program
Victoria offers nomination for the following 2 visas:
- Skilled nominated visa (subclass 190) — a permanent visa that allows skilled migrants to live and work anywhere within Victoria, including Melbourne
- Skilled regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) — a 5-year provisional visa for living and working in regional Victoria, with a pathway to permanent residency after 3 years.
Key features of Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program:
- adds extra points to an applicant’s overall Australian visa application points test (5 points for subclass 190, 15 points for subclass 491)
- does not require a job offer or employer sponsorship
- provides unrestricted work rights in accordance with visa conditions
- offers a pathway to permanent residency
- Victorian visa nomination is free of charge.
Support available
We’re supporting ECTs in Victoria with career supports and professional development opportunities(opens in a new window). There are also several incentives(opens in a new window) available to support relocation within Victoria, including: available to support relocation within Victoria, including:
- individual incentives of $9,000 for eligible ECTs and educators currently working outside the Victorian early childhood sector who accept a role at any service delivering funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten or Pre-Prep in 2025
- location incentives of between $9,000 and $50,000 for eligible ECTs who secure a teaching role at selected services
- relocation supplements worth up to $8,000 to anyone who receives an incentive and moves more than 100 kilometres from their current place of residence to take up the role.
Find out more
The Victorian Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions will hold a webinar on Tuesday 18 February 2025 at 2:00 pm. Find out more and register here: Skilled migration pathways for early childhood teachers(opens in a new window).
For more information, refer to the Live in Melbourne(opens in a new window) website.
Applications open for Building Blocks Capacity Building grants
Not-for-profit groups and councils are encouraged to consider applying for funding for projects that create additional kindergarten places in locations where demand for kinder is high.

The Victorian School Building Authority(opens in a new window)’s (VSBA) Building Blocks Capacity Grants(opens in a new window) program provides funding for projects that create additional kindergarten places by building new, or expanding existing, infrastructure.
There are 4 categories, including:
- Integrated Children's Centre: These grants provide funding for new community hubs, bringing together a range of professional services to deliver education, care, health and support to children and their families
- New Early Learning Facility: These grants provide funding for new kindergartens that will offer high-quality early learning for 3 and 4-year-olds
- Modular Kindergarten Buildings: These grants cover the standard scope to deliver high-quality modular buildings. They can be available quickly to meet urgent demand for kindergarten places. They are relocatable, and their quick delivery reduces safety risks, construction time and costs
- Expansion: These grants provide funding for projects to increase the licenced capacity of kindergartens offering programs for 3 and 4-year-old children
Meeting local demand with a modular kinder
The Northern Grampians Shire Council applied for a modular kindergarten grant as part of the Building Blocks program in late 2022.
The shire is one of the first local government areas across the state to rollout Pre-Prep in 2025.
The new kindergarten(opens in a new window), being delivered at St Arnaud Primary School, will have 2 kindergarten rooms, an outdoor play area and carparking allowing the service to offer kinder to up to 66 children at a time. It is on track to open in Term 1, 2025.
The VSBA helped the shire assess several site options before the primary school site was selected.
New kinder keeps families in the local area
Northern Grampians Shire Council chief executive Brent McAlister said the new kinder had some important benefits for the St Arnaud community.
‘Firstly, St Arnaud is a major agribusiness centre. With all these growing businesses, the 2 big challenges for families coming here are housing and early learning centre places. There’s been a real issue in the past – this facility will allow those businesses to grow.
‘The second is retaining people in the town. Last year I spoke with a parent who was going to move to another area, because the town had no available kindergarten places.
‘The third reason it’s so important is that Northern Grampians is in the lower quartile of socio-economic councils, and free kinder for 3- and 4-year-olds is a major cost of living bonus.
‘With waitlists for long daycare and kindergarten places, [this new kinder] will allow people to work in the area and not have to relocate.’
As of May 2024, the VSBA has delivered 36 modular kindergarten buildings across Victoria.
Find out more
Applications for Building Blocks Grants are accepted year-round and are evaluated in batched rounds throughout the year. To learn more and apply, visit: Building Blocks Grants – Capacity Building(opens in a new window).
Applications open for Toy Library Grants Program
Eligible organisations and existing toy libraries can apply for grants to establish new toy libraries and support existing ones.

The Victorian Government is investing $1.9 million in the Toy Library Grants Program(opens in a new window).
This 4-year program will establish 8 new toy libraries and support existing toy libraries with grants of up to $10,000.
The program aims to:
- increase the number of toy libraries in Victoria, supporting families with cost-of-living pressures
- support parents and carers to strengthen the home learning environment
- promote the benefits of toy library membership and improved community outcomes
- improve toy library accessibility for families that do not have adequate access.
Grant applications for 2024 are open.
New Toy Library Establishment Grants
Eligible organisations are invited to apply for a grant of $40,000 to establish a new toy library. Eligible organisations include:
- not-for-profit community service organisations
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
- local councils
- charities
- state government entities
- authorities or organisations that provide services to families and children that are operating in Victoria.
Existing Toy Library Grants
Existing toy libraries can apply for a grant of up to $10,000 to renew their toy and equipment stock, improve their membership offerings, enhance accessibility and pay for a limited range of one-off costs. This grant is open to existing, not-for-profit toy libraries operating in Victoria.
How to apply
For more information about eligibility requirements, assessment criteria, and to apply refer to Toy Library Grants Program(opens in a new window).
Applications for the Existing Toy Library Grants close at 11:59 pm Sunday 22 December 2024.
Applications for the New Toy Library Establishment Grants close at 11:59 pm Sunday 19 January 2025. Late applications will not be accepted.
Find out more
For more information, refer to Toy Library Grants Program(opens in a new window).
For further enquiries, email toy.libraries@education.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window) .