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Performance Measurement and Financial Outlook

DPC’s performance against its objectives is measured in terms of quality, quantity, timeliness and cost. Detailed descriptions of objectives and outputs, together with their key performance indicators, is available on the Victorian Government budget website. The department’s performance against these measures, as well as the department’s workforce profile, is reported in the DPC annual report.

Table 1 shows a summary of funding received from the 2019/20 Victorian Budget for output initiatives in 2019–20. DPC’s asset investment programs are listed at Table 2. The amounts in this table represent funding allocated over the forward estimates period (2019–23). For more detailed financial information, please see the budget website.

Table 1: Summary of 2019/20 Victorian Budget funding for outputs
$ million
Strong policy outcomes
Government-wide leadership, reform and implementation 103.5
Strategic advice and government support 112.2
Infrastructure Victoria 9.9
Digital government and communications 52.9
Office of the Victorian Government Architect 1.2
Industrial Relations 16.0
Engaged citizens
Aboriginal policy, strengthening Aboriginal cultural heritage and communities 53.3
Multicultural affairs policy and programs 59.2
Support to veterans in Victoria 7.7
LGBTI equality policy and programs 9.8
Women’s policy 26.3
Youth 27.4
Professional public administration
Advice and support to the Governor 16.8
Chief Parliamentary Counsel services 7.4
Management of Victoria’s public records 17.2
Public administration advice and support 10.1
Public sector integrity 79.6
State electoral roll and electoral events 43.7
Total ($ Million) 654.4

* Source: 2019/20 Budget Paper No. 3: Service Delivery

Table 2: Summary of 2019/20 Victorian Budget Funding for assets

New projects ($ million)

Addressing the security and workplace requirements of government buildings (Melbourne)

  • Estimated expenditure up to 2018–19: $0.400
  • 2019–20: $0.000
  • 2020–21: $0.000
  • 2021–22: $0.000

Best practice integrity oversight (Melbourne)

  • Estimated expenditure up to 2018–19: $0.431
  • 2019–20: $0.029
  • 2020–21: $0.031
  • 2021–22: $0.000

Existing projects ($ million)

Public Record Office Victoria asset maintenance and renewal program (North Melbourne)

  • Estimated expenditure up to 2018–19: $2.618
  • 2019–20: $1.000
  • 2020–21: $0.000
  • 2021–22: $0.000

Security and building upgrades for government buildings (Melbourne)

  • Estimated expenditure up to 2018–19: $10.899
  • 2019–20: $2.660
  • 2020–21: $0.000
  • 2021–22: $0.000

Enhancing public sector capability (Melbourne)

  • Estimated expenditure up to 2018–19: –$0.980
  • 2019–20: $0.400
  • 2020–21: $0.000
  • 2021–22: $0.000

Total Premier and Cabinet Projects ($ million)

  • Estimated expenditure up to 2018–19: $15.328
  • 2019–20: $4.089
  • 2020–21: $0.031
  • 2021–22: $0.000

* Source: 2019/20 Budget Paper No. 4: State Capital Program
