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Delivering against our objectives

Objective: Strong Policy Outcomes


  • Digital governance and communication
  • Government-wide leadership, reform and implementation
  • Infrastructure Victoria
  • Office of the Victorian Government Architect
  • Strategic advice and government support
  • Industrial Relations

Outcomes (what are we trying to achieve for Victorians)

  • DPC’s policy advice and its support for Cabinet, committee members and the Executive Council are valued and inform decision making
  • Quality infrastructure drives economic growth activity in Victoria
  • The development and effective use of technology supports productivity and competitiveness

Strategies (how will we achieve it)

  • Pursue policy and service delivery excellence and reform
  • Lead the public sector response to significant state issues, policy challenges and projects
  • Support the effective administration of government

Initiatives and activities (how we deliver on our strategies)

  • Supporting a more secure youth justice system
  • Supporting industry capability, capacity and growth
  • Coordinating service system reform
  • Using data and behavioural insights to support improved policy making through evidence-based data analytics
  • Designing and establishing new ways of working with communities
  • Supporting the Victorian Government’s engagement with the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System
  • Leading Victoria’s international engagement
  • Making community safety a priority
  • Monitoring and reporting on the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Family Violence
  • Promoting affordable, reliable and secure energy
  • Promoting fair and equitable workplaces
  • Supporting delivery of the government’s infrastructure program
  • Supporting inclusion of all Victorians

Challenges (challenges to achieving our outcomes)

  • Embedding value capture and creation into infrastructure investment decisions
  • Effectively utilising the government’s focus on infrastructure and jobs to support inclusive economic prosperity
  • Strengthening inter-agency communication and inter-jurisdictional cooperation to further improve outcomes for Victorians

Objective: Engaged Citizens


  • Aboriginal policy, strengthening Aboriginal cultural heritage and communities
  • Multicultural affairs policy and program
  • Support to veterans in Victoria
  • LGBTI equality policy and programs
  • Women’s policy
  • Youth

Outcomes (what are we trying to achieve for Victorians)

  • Increased opportunities for participation by members of the Victorian community in the social, cultural, economic and democratic life of Victoria

Strategies (how will we achieve it)

  • Support and promote full participation in strong and vibrant communities
  • Empower citizens to participate in policy making and service design
  • Ensure a holistic approach to social policy and service delivery

Initiatives and activities (how we deliver on our strategies)

  • Advancing Aboriginal self- determination and treaty
  • Delivering on the African Communities Action Plan
  • Supporting the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor
  • Giving youth a voice in the design of policies, programs and services
  • Empowering communities to lead change through place-based approaches
  • Preventing family violence and all forms of violence against women
  • Progressing gender equality
  • Promoting full inclusion for all LGBTIQ+ Victorians
  • Strengthening multicultural affairs and social cohesion
  • Supporting asylum seekers and refugees
  • Supporting Victoria’s veterans
  • Providing translation services

Challenges (challenges to achieving our outcomes)

  • Effectively utilising co-design of policy solutions and place-based approaches to deliver effective outcomes for Victorians
  • Providing equitable, engaging and inclusive services for Victorians

Objective: Professional Public Administration


  • Advice and support to the Governor
  • Chief Parliamentary Counsel Services
  • Management of Victoria’s public records
  • Public administration advice and support
  • Public Sector Integrity
  • State electoral roll and electoral events

Outcomes (what are we trying to achieve for Victorians)

  • A values-driven, high-integrity public service characterised by employees who collaborate across government and in partnership with the community and other sectors, and who use evidence to support decisions that drive the progress of Victoria socially and economically

Strategies (how will we achieve it)

  • Foster and promote a high-performing public service, including through the implementation of the Jobs and Skills Exchange, enabling cross-government collaboration and facilitation of VPS staff career opportunities
  • Ensure effective whole of Victorian Government performance and outcomes
  • Protect the values of good public governance, integrity and accountability in support of public trust

Initiatives and activities (how we deliver on our strategies)

  • Driving and leading a new information culture across Victoria, through support for the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
  • Enhancing public sector integrity and governance capability through the Victorian Public Sector Commission
  • Establishing and leading the government’s Independent Remuneration Tribunal
  • Implementing the Jobs and Skills Exchange to expand career, training and development opportunities for VPS staff
  • Fostering innovation and new ways of working in the public sector
  • Supporting our integrity agencies
  • Providing guidance and advice on the caretaker conventions
  • Delivering integrity system and public information reforms
  • Leading Whole of Victorian Government Freedom of Information activities
  • Modernising systems and processes to improve government productivity
  • Developing a customised storage facility to secure public records
  • Implementing security upgrades for government buildings

Challenges (challenges to achieving our outcomes)

  • Dealing effectively with other levels of government
  • Creating more agile and responsive workplaces by bringing together people, processes and technology
  • Strengthening the way that the VPS facilitates the movement of staff to provide career opportunities and mobility options

Objective: High-performing DPC


There were no outputs listed for High-performing DPC in the 2019/20 Budget Paper No. 3: Service Delivery.

Outcomes (what are we trying to achieve for Victorians)

  • DPC acts as a high performing department across the whole of Victorian Government.

Strategies (how will we achieve it)

  • Empower our people and invest in our culture
  • Ensure efficient and effective processes and systems
  • Ensure strong governance and risk management
  • Develop the skills and capabilities of our workforce and create agile, responsive and high-performing DPC and VPS

Initiatives and activities (how we deliver on our strategies)

  • Developing leaders and embedding a culture of flexibility and wellbeing
  • Cultivating adaptive leadership and management capability and behaviour
  • Developing a portfolio governance framework
  • Delivery of the DPC Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and a range of action plans that sit underneath this strategy
  • Delivering an automated briefing and correspondence system, ideally integrated with digital signatures and Office365
  • Embedding a positive and productive workplace culture
  • Enhancing health, safety and wellbeing of all staff, including through the implementation of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter
  • Establishing an internal Program Management Office to drive efficient and effective delivery of technology projects
  • Establishing an internal ICT governance and investment committee to oversee system prioritisation and funding
  • Implementing strategies to attract, develop and retain talented and diverse people
  • Implementing integrated communications technology
  • Modernising and strengthening HR systems and processes through implementation of a Human Capital Management system
  • Providing strategic, tactical and operational HR advice and services to DPC core and portfolio entities

Challenges (challenges to achieving our outcomes)

  • Reviewing oversight, governance and support of portfolio entities
  • Strengthening DPC’s approach to integrity
  • Maintaining staff capability
