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DJSIR – Learn Local Sector – 8 April 2024 – Opening of the 2024 ongoing Expression of Interest (EOI) process for 2024 Pre-accredited training delivery

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Skills and Employment

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) memo


  • registered Learn Local providers
  • statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Unit staff

From: Georgina Lyell, Director, Adult, Community and Further Education

Date: 08/04/2024

Subject: Opening of the 2024 ongoing Expression of Interest (EOI) process for 2024 Pre-accredited training delivery.

Actions/Critical dates

  • The department is now accepting requests for Additional Hours, Return of Hours and Program Stream/LGA variations to 2024 Delivery Plans.
  • Learn Local providers can request variations to their 2024 Delivery Plan any time up to COB Friday 16 August 2024, for completed delivery within 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • Submit requests by emailing the 2024 Delivery Plan Variation Request Form to and copy in your Regional Manager.
  • Contact your regional office if you have any questions.

Requests for 2024 ACFE Training Delivery Additional Hours

To maximise pre-accredited training delivery in 2024, the Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board has approved the allocation of additional 2024 delivery Student Contact Hours (hours) to providers who have increased demand for pre-accredited training delivery beyond currently contracted delivery.

Please note, at this stage, limited hours are available for additional allocation and will be assessed according to strategic priorities.

Where opportunities may arise for increased delivery, Learn Local providers can apply for additional hours at any time up to 16 August 2024, for completed delivery within 2024.

This includes additional pre-accredited training delivery hours for:

  • General Pre-accredited (including both locally and centrally developed modules).
  • Additional Digital and Employability Places (including both locally and centrally developed modules).

Additional hours can be for existing modules as well as requests for new modules.

Please ensure that you read and address the assessment criteria, as documented in the 2024 Delivery Plan Variation Expression of Interest Guide.

Additional Hours requests will be set at a minimum of 50 total additional hours.

Requests for 2024 ACFE Training Delivery Return of Hours

The delivery of contracted hours across pre-accredited program streams is a priority of the ACFE Board in 2024. Learn Local providers are encouraged to deliver their contracted hours to target. Where providers have identified that it will not be possible to deliver contracted hours, there is an opportunity to return hours for redistribution.

Return of student contact hour requests will not be accepted where the requested return is greater than the total remaining milestone payments for 2024, in the program stream.

Return of hours requests will be set at a minimum of 50 hours returned.

Requests for variation between program streams and/or LGAs

Providers can also request variations to their Delivery Plan for 2024 ACFE training, that don’t alter the existing total contracted hours per program stream and LGA.

Consideration will be given for variations:

  • from General Pre-accredited to Additional Digital and Employability Places program streams
  • between Local Government Areas (LGAs) of delivery.

Please note, delivery of Additional Digital and Employability Places is a priority for the ACFE Board in 2024, therefore variations from Additional Digital and Employability Places to General Pre-accredited programs streams will not be considered.

How to submit a request for additional hours, return of hours or variations

Please read the 2024 Delivery Plan Variation Expression of Interest Guide and download the 2024 Learn Local Delivery Plan Variation Request Form. Review your submission against the required criteria to ensure your application is complete. Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

Please email the 2024 Learn Local Delivery Plan Variation Request Form to to submit your request. Copy in your Regional Manager.

An updated Delivery Plan is not required at the time of submission. If your request is approved, you will be asked to submit an updated Delivery Plan at that time.

The department will assess your request and send notification of the outcome.

Contact details

If you have any further questions, please contact your regional office.


2024 Delivery Plan Variation Expression of Interest Guide

2024 Learn Local Delivery Plan Variation Request Form:

2024 Learn Local Delivery Plan Variation Request Form
Word 138.93 KB
(opens in a new window)
