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Strategic Priorities and Critical Actions

Strategic Priority One

Aboriginal culture and leadership

1.1 Informed leadership with appropriate authority to drive regional and state wide family violence reform

1.2 Agreement Making Process with departmental signatories from Department of Education, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Department of Health, Department of Families,

Fairness and Housing and Victoria Police

1.3 Support ACCOs and Action Groups to revive, rebalance, and restore culture in a strengths based way

1.4 Develop an Aboriginal model for trauma informed training that also builds resilience with broader alignment i.e. family violence and child protection

1.5 Incremental investment growth funding to ensure Aboriginal community and culture is embedded in government funding cycles

Strategic Priority Two

Aboriginal-led prevention

2.1 Embedding self-determination in prevention efforts targeting Aboriginal communities, particularly regarding funding arrangements and reporting requirements

2.2 Develop the leadership capability of the Action Groups to promote Aboriginal-led prevention in their community

2.3 Invest in best-practice prevention initiatives

Strategic Priority Three

Self-determining Aboriginal family violence support and services

3.1 Government will transform the system, with Aboriginal services resourced as the primary providers of healing and family violence services for Aboriginal children and people who experience family violence, and people who use family violence

3.2 Government to commit to Aboriginal Funding Reform to strengthen the capacity for ACCOs to deliver Aboriginal family violence and sexual assault services sustainably

3.3 Prioritise the continuation of funding for transitional and long-term housing options that address the needs of Aboriginal people who experience and/or use family violence and prioritise the safety of victim-survivors

Strategic Priority Four

System transformation based on self-determination

4.1 Aboriginal people will be involved in decision-making around investment and resourcing, to strengthen the capacity and sustainability of our front-line Aboriginal services with family violence expertise to contribute to policy and program development, law reform and system improvement across a range of areas including police, courts and universal services

4.2 Alignment to broader anti racism and discrimination framework to be developed

Strategic Priority Five

Aboriginal-led and informed innovation, data and research

5.1 Develop a shared understanding of data sovereignty

5.2 Strengthen capacity of Aboriginal community and services to monitor, evaluate and lead evidence-based practice in family violence responses

5.3 Increase rate of compliance with statutory orders by Aboriginal people

5.4 Build an evidence base of what works to support Aboriginal people and communities to prevent, respond to and heal from family violence
