Australian Tax Office: tax file number declaration form
ATO tax file number declaration form
(opens in a new window)
New starter information pack
DGS - Staff Welcome Pack
(opens in a new window)
Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2024
(opens in a new window)
New starter forms - information about you
DGS - HR privacy collection statement for new starters
(opens in a new window)
DGS - HR new employee details form
(opens in a new window)
DGS - HR pre-employment health declaration form
(opens in a new window)
DGS - HR banking details form
(opens in a new window)
DGS - HR superannuation choice form
(opens in a new window)
Executive officer positions only:
DGS - HR declaration of private interests form
(opens in a new window)
Other forms - optional
DGS - HR recognition of prior service form
(opens in a new window)