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Who we are

Find changes to the department, our groups, senior executives, administrative offices and other entities.

Changes to the department over 2019–20

On 1 July 2019, following machinery of government changes, the portfolio agency Respect Victoria transferred to DPC from the Department of Health and Human Services.

On 8 January 2020, Bushfire Recovery Victoria was established as a new permanent administrative office within DPC. Bushfire Recovery Victoria’s focus is on the needs of Victorian communities following the devastating Victorian bushfires and is working closely with residents to ensure rehabilitation projects are both locally driven and delivered.

Machinery of government changes effective 1 May 2020 saw the following independent offices, and public sector integrity functions transfer from DPC to the Department of Justice and Community Safety: Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission; Local Government Inspectorate; Office of the Public Interest Monitor; Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner; Victorian Inspectorate; and the Victorian Ombudsman.

Also, on 1 May 2020, the policy and coordination functions of Infrastructure Victoria and the Parliamentary Budget Officer were transferred from DPC to the Department of Treasury and Finance together with the coordination functions for the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office.

Our groups

DPC consists of eight groups:

  • Economic Policy and State Productivity
  • Fairer Victoria
  • Governance Policy and Coordination
  • Industrial Relations Victoria
  • Jobs and Skills Exchange
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Service Systems Reform
  • Social Policy.

Economic Policy and State Productivity

The Economic Policy and State Productivity group works to support the government to achieve its objectives related to economic recovery and development, fiscal sustainability, regional and local government outcomes, international engagement, infrastructure, planning and priority precincts, transport, energy, agriculture, resources and the environment. The group works in collaboration with relevant departments and agencies to ensure a coordinated whole of government approach to policy and projects in these areas.

Fairer Victoria

Established on 1 January 2019, the Fairer Victoria group is responsible for advising the Premier, Cabinet and the ministers for Multicultural Affairs, Women, Youth, Equality and Veterans on policy and strategy aimed at embedding consideration of inclusion, access and social and economic participation for all Victorians in government programs, services and policy reforms. The Fairer Victoria group does this through:

  • taking a whole of government approach and collaborating with departments and agencies
  • providing high-quality strategic advice to the Premier, Cabinet and ministers
  • leading and contributing to best practice initiatives to ensure the needs of Victoria’s diverse communities are considered.

Governance Policy and Coordination

The Governance Policy and Coordination group is responsible for overseeing Cabinet management, digital design and innovation, public sector governance, performance and reform, cybersecurity, government shared services, strategic communications, engagement and protocol, the Victorian Centre for Data Insights and DPC’s corporate services.

The group is also primarily responsible for supporting the Minister for Government Services.

Industrial Relations Victoria

Industrial Relations Victoria is the government’s lead agency for managing public sector industrial relations matters, advising on private sector industrial relations matters and enforcing workplace legislation. It works across government to develop regulatory and other solutions to meet the government’s industrial relations policy aims and oversees public sector enterprise bargaining. It also implements, and ensures compliance with, laws governing long service leave, child employment and independent contractors in transport and forestry.

Industrial Relations Victoria works closely with industry and unions to promote positive industrial relations and to improve the working standards and conditions in Victorian workplaces. It develops government responses and submissions to major workplace relations reviews and inquiries, and regularly lobbies the Commonwealth for improvements to national workplace relations laws.

Jobs and Skills Exchange

The Jobs and Skills Exchange group is responsible for supporting a more agile, flexible and modern public service by providing a whole of government approach to workforce mobility.

During the year, the group’s initial, primary focus was on the VPS to enable an agile, responsive and high-performing workforce.

Office of the General Counsel

The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) is responsible for providing legal and policy advice to the Premier, DPC’s ministers, the DPC Secretary and the department. OGC advises on the full range of legal issues government faces, including in the areas of administrative, constitutional and corporate law. OGC’s policy focus is on issues in the Premier’s, the Special Minister of State’s (until 23 March) and the Minister for Government Services (from 22 June) portfolios, principally in relation to Victoria’s integrity system (until 23 March) and electoral system. OGC also supports DPC in developing legislative and regulatory proposals.

Service Systems Reform

The Service Systems Reform group is responsible for overseeing a program of whole of government policy development and reforms that aim to improve social and economic outcomes, particularly for those Victorians who experience entrenched disadvantage.

The group’s work has a focus on how government can support and enable place-based approaches and people who use social and justice services. As part of a cross-government virtual team, the group also supports the Victorian Secretaries’ Board Service Delivery Reform subgroup. It coordinates and guides conversations with communities about how government can better design its services and support communities to build on their strengths to achieve better social and economic outcomes.

Social Policy

The Social Policy group works to provide better social outcomes for all Victorians by supporting the government to achieve its strategic objectives related to Aboriginal affairs, education, justice, family violence, health and human services, and community security and emergency management. Within Social Policy, a team leads the government’s preparation for treaty and negotiation of its framework in partnership with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria. Aboriginal Victoria also forms part of Social Policy, playing a central role in advancing the Aboriginal self-determination agenda and protecting cultural heritage.

DPC’s senior executives


Chris Eccles AO was appointed Secretary of DPC in December 2014. As Secretary, Chris led the department and the Victorian public service in advising the Premier and the Government of Victoria.

From 2011 to 2014, Chris was the Director-General of the New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet and from 2009 to 2011 he was Chief Executive of the South Australian Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

In 2017 Chris was made an Officer of the Order of Australia ‘for distinguished service to public administration, to innovative policy development and sound governance, and to the delivery of reform in the areas of training, education and disability’.

Chris holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws from the Australian National University.

Deputy Secretary, Economic Policy and State Productivity

Tim Ada began in the role of Deputy Secretary, Economic Policy and State Productivity in April 2019.

Previously, Tim was Deputy Secretary of Jobs and Innovation in the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, responsible for the strategic development of key industry sectors, including manufacturing, life sciences and international education and the delivery of telecommunications and employment programs.

Tim has a Bachelor and Master of Agriculture Sciences from the University of Melbourne. He grew up in rural Victoria.

Deputy Secretary, Fairer Victoria

Brigid Monagle was appointed Deputy Secretary of Fairer Victoria in March 2019 and oversees the Equality, Veterans, Multicultural Affairs, Women’s and Youth portfolios.

Brigid has previously worked as an executive director in DPC, leading advice in the areas of Aboriginal affairs policy, including treaty and self-determination, health policy and reform, and inter-governmental strategy.

Brigid holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the University of Melbourne and a Master of Public Policy from Victoria University of Wellington.

Deputy Secretary, Governance Policy and Coordination

Jeremi Moule was appointed Deputy Secretary, Governance Policy and Coordination in August 2018.

Previously, he was DPC’s Executive Director of Strategic Communication, Engagement and Protocol. Prior to joining DPC Jeremi held the equivalent executive director role at the South Australian Department of the Premier and Cabinet, leading their communication, community engagement and citizen participation agenda.

Jeremi holds a journalism degree from the University of South Australia and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Deputy Secretary, Industrial Relations Victoria

Matt O’Connor was appointed Deputy Secretary, Industrial Relations Victoria in April 2015.

Matt has worked in the Victorian Government since 2003. He has overseen the development of industrial relations legislative and policy reforms, including wage theft, labour hire, long service leave and public sector employment protections. Matt has steered the Victorian Government’s public sector industrial relations strategy for several years and, more recently, played a pivotal role in the successful conclusion of agreements covering public transport. He has led the government’s initiation of various legal proceedings in the Fair Work Commission to protect the supply of essential services.

Matt provides strategic input on a range of whole of government industrial relations matters. He has also represented the Victorian Government in consultations with the Commonwealth Government on federal industrial relations legislative proposals, including the Fair Work Act 2009.

Deputy Secretary, Jobs and Skills Exchange

Elizabeth Langdon was appointed Deputy Secretary for the Jobs and Skills Exchange in June 2019. Before this, Elizabeth was Deputy Commissioner of the Victorian Public Service Commission, following a period as Acting Victorian Public Sector Commissioner.

Elizabeth joined the VPS in 2005, working in DPC, the Department of Health, and the Department of Health and Human Services, where she held the position of Deputy Secretary, People, Capability and Oversight. Elizabeth has also worked at the Harvard School of Public Health, the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG), Melbourne University Private and the United Nations in both Geneva and New York. Elizabeth has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Melbourne, a Master of Politics from Université Pierre Mendès France, and is an Australia and New Zealand School of Government Executive Fellow.

General Counsel

Toby Hemming was appointed General Counsel in May 2018.

Toby has significant experience in the Victorian public sector, having held senior positions in organisations including the County Court of Victoria, the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority and the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority.

Toby holds degrees in the areas of law, arts and corporate governance. He is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has completed Executive Fellows programs at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and the Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

Deputy Secretary, Service Systems Reform

Lill Healy was appointed Deputy Secretary, Service Systems Reform in June 2019. Her group is responsible for working in collaboration with other departments to support the design and delivery of reforms that address issues of complexity and disadvantage with a focus on place-based initiatives.

Lill was previously Deputy Secretary of Inclusion at the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. Before that, Lill held a variety of senior leadership roles in the VPS and across the private and community sectors.

Deputy Secretary, Social Policy

Kate Houghton was appointed Deputy Secretary of Social Policy in November 2018.

Kate has led many teams across a variety of portfolios within the VPS. Her most recent role was as Deputy Secretary of Police and Crime Prevention at the then Department of Justice and Regulation. Kate spent many years working within the natural resources and environment portfolio. She led the Water and Catchments group as Deputy Secretary and the Environment Policy Division as Executive Director.

Kate has an honours degree in economics and a Master of Environment. Kate is an Institute of Public Administration Australia Fellow.

Administrative offices

Administrative offices are established and abolished through orders under section 11 of the Public Administration Act, and each is established in relation to a department.

The following six administrative offices have been established in relation to DPC.

Bushfire Recovery Victoria

Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV) was established in January 2020 as a permanent and dedicated recovery agency. BRV is responsible for working directly with local communities affected by the devastating Victorian bushfires, advising the Victorian Government, leading recovery planning and coordinating efforts. BRV is wholly focused on the needs of Victorian communities, working closely with locals to ensure rehabilitation and recovery projects are both driven and delivered locally.

Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

The Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel transforms policy into legislation and advises the government on its legislative program. The office is responsible for ensuring up-to-date public access to authoritative Victorian legislation. The Chief Parliamentary Counsel is also the Government Printer for Victoria, responsible for printing Victorian legislation.

Office of the Governor

The Office of the Governor provides support to the Governor of Victoria and her spouse in carrying out all aspects of their official duties for the benefit of the Victorian community and maintains Government House and grounds as a unique heritage community asset. The Governor’s role includes constitutional and ceremonial duties, community and international engagement as well as official municipal and regional visits.

Office of the Victorian Government Architect

The Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA) provides leadership and independent advice to government about architecture and urban design. OVGA puts quality of design at the centre of all conversations about the shape, nature and function of our cities, buildings and landscapes. OVGA advocates for an approach founded in a deep understanding and respect for people and place. OVGA aims to ensure Victoria is a place that our community is proud to call home.

Public Record Office Victoria

The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) maintains the archives of the State Government of Victoria, holding 100 kilometres of records dating from the mid-1830s to today. PROV manages these for use by the government and people of Victoria. PROV’s collection contains records of decisions, events, people and places that have shaped the history of Victoria.

Service Victoria

Service Victoria is a whole of government service capability created to improve the way government transactions are delivered to Victorians and to deliver a more effective customer experience. Service Victoria brings together the most popular digital transactions in one place, making it simpler, easier and faster for Victorians.

Service Victoria is responsible for implementing the Service Victoria Act 2018 and provides customer service and identity verification functions.

Other entities

DPC supports the Victorian Public Sector Commission and the following special bodies and public entities in performing their functions and responsibilities.

DPC also works with a range of ministerial advisory bodies across our portfolio areas of responsibility.

Special bodies

Special bodies are defined in section 6 of the Public Administration Act and created under separate legislation:

  • Electoral Boundaries Commission
  • Victorian Electoral Commission
  • Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal.

Public entities

Public entities include statutory authorities, state-owned enterprises, state-owned corporations and formally constituted advisory boards that perform functions outside of the public service:

  • Labour Hire Authority
  • Portable Long Service Authority
  • Queen Victoria Women’s Centre Trust
  • Respect Victoria
  • Shrine of Remembrance
  • Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council
  • Victorian Multicultural Commission
  • Victorian Veterans Council
  • VITS LanguageLoop
