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Performance against output performance measures

The section provides information about DPC’s performance against our output performance measures. It provides comparison with our output targets that were published in the Departmental Performance Statement section of the 2019/20 Victorian Budget Paper No. 3 — Service Delivery.

Commentary is provided where there are variances of more than 5 per cent between targets and actual results for performance measures.

Government-wide leadership, reform and implementation

This output provides advice and support to the Premier and Cabinet on all aspects of government policy. This involves advice on issues as they arise, policy coordination, research and analysis, consultation with stakeholders and leadership in long‑term policy development.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result


Whole of government emergency management forums, meetings and exercises facilitated number 20 80 300%

The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to the reorganisation of governance structures to enhance the government’s response to the Victorian bushfires and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Some forums and meetings that are normally scheduled did not meet, while other new structures met more frequently to deal with the government’s response to the pandemic.

Whole of government forums, meetings and advisory groups chaired number 80 144 80%

The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased whole of government coordination associated with the Victorian bushfires and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Data projects completed and delivered number 10 20 100%

The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased demand for the VCDI’s services. During the year, VCDI’s data services were redirected to the Victorian bushfire recovery and coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic response.

Number of projects facilitated by the Behavioural Insights Unit number 10 12 20%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased operational efficiencies.
New investment resulting from government facilitation services and assistance under the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund $ million 150 39 –74%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target primarily due to lower than expected outputs as significant funding for the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund has been prioritised to fund urgent bushfire recovery projects.
Jobs resulting from government facilitation services and assistance under the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund number 2,500 474 –81%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target primarily due to lower than expected outputs as significant funding for the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund has been prioritised to fund urgent bushfire recovery projects.
Relevant communication activity compliant with government advertising and communication guidelines per cent 100 100 0%
Data projects delivered to agreed outputs per cent >80 100 25%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased ability to identify and pursue projects that are likely to deliver value.
Total output cost $ million 103.5 168.4 62.7%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target primarily due to additional funding approved for bushfire recovery and coronavirus (COVID-19) related activities.

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Strategic advice and government support

This output provides strategic policy analysis and advice to the Premier, leads policy development on key priority issues and supports informed government decision-making.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Number of briefs supporting Cabinet and Cabinet committee decision-making number 1,200 1,136 –5%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target due to the government’s emergency response, which included substantial change to the Cabinet committee structure, with a focus on coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency matters.
Establishment or renewal of ICT whole of government State Purchase Contracts number 7 7 0%
Victorian Government entities using the Standard User Experience Framework number 20 30 50%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target because presentations and pitches through the year subsequently generated more leads, enabling the sign up of more entities to the Standard User Experience Framework.
Average monthly analysis reports generated to guide government decision-making number 65 65 0%
Policy services satisfaction rating per cent 90 86 –4%
Timely delivery of state events and functions per cent 100 100 0%
Policy services timeliness rating per cent 95 97 2%
Total output cost $ million 112.2 124.5 11.0%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target primarily due to new and additional funding approved since the 2019–20 budget for strategic advice and support for decision making and services in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

○ Performance target not achieved — within 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Digital government and communications

This output encourages innovative use of ICT to improve service delivery and business processes and provides information and services to Victorian citizens and businesses through digital and other delivery channels.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Average number of monthly visits to number 310,000 1,067,943 244%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to significantly increased visitation to the website for coronavirus (COVID-19) related information.
Overall satisfaction of customers transacting on the Service Victoria platform per cent 95 96 1%
Total output cost $ million 52.9 52.8 –0.2%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

Office of the Victorian Government Architect

This output provides strategic leadership and advice to government and key stakeholders on architecture and the built environment.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Strategic advice on significant public and private sector projects from project inception and procurement to design and delivery number 60 108 80%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased provision of formal infrastructure advice due to the stage the projects reached during the year.
Stakeholder satisfaction with the quality of advice on significant public and private sector projects per cent 80 80 0%
Average number of business days to issue formal advice days 10 9 –6%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target due to compressed timeframes associated with time-sensitive state-significant public sector projects.
Total output cost $ million 1.2 1.2 0.0%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

Industrial relations

This output contributes to providing fair jobs and a positive industrial relations environment through sound industrial relations policy and advice to government. This includes oversight of enterprise bargaining across the Victorian public sector and support for Victoria’s participation in the national workplace relations system.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Education and compliance inspections of providers/users conducted under the Labour Hire Licensing Scheme number 800 1,050 31%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to more targeted education and compliance activities resulting in greater participation in the Labour Hire Licensing Scheme.
Employers informed on OHS obligations under both state and Commonwealth legislation and regulations number >3,500 18,291 423%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased demand for communication from employees and employers.
Labour hire licence applications finalised number 1,300 3,271 152%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to a larger than expected number of applications to the Labour Hire Licensing Scheme.
Workers informed about OHS obligations under both state and Commonwealth legislation and regulations number >40,000 47,500 19%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased demand for communication from employees and employers.
Workers registered under the Portable Long Service Leave Scheme number 75,000 114,137 52%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased proactive activity by the Portable Long Service Authority to register employers.
Child employment investigations completed number 170 172 1%
Public sector agreements renewed and approved within the current enterprise bargaining framework per cent 100 100 0%
Victoria represented in major industrial relations cases and inquiries per cent 100 100 0%
Review and assessment of submitted public sector enterprise bargaining costings and proposed agreements completed and submitted for approval within four weeks per cent 90 100 11%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to the approval of all 27 public sector enterprise agreements in the enterprise bargaining framework within four weeks.
Long service leave investigations commenced within 90 days of lodgement per cent 15 100 567%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to implementing new business processes based on regulatory best practice which have improved the timeliness and quality of investigative outcomes.
Total output cost $ million 16.0 22.0 37.5%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target primarily due to the reinstatement of a Treasurer’s Advance, which was approved in 2018–19.

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Aboriginal policy and strengthening Aboriginal cultural heritage and communities

This output supports the Victorian Government’s commitment to advancing self-determination for Aboriginal Victorians and to improving long-term social and economic outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians. This includes the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage; strengthening Aboriginal community organisations; progress towards treaty; broad community engagement; and work to reform government to enable self-determination.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Capacity-building activities provided for Traditional Owners to support the management and protection of Aboriginal cultural and intangible heritage and treaty readiness number 20 16 –20%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target because four governance training workshops were ceased following an internal review, with funding redistributed for other activities across the Aboriginal Affairs portfolio.
Average weekly hours of case management provided to members of the Stolen Generations number 80 88 9%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased demand for Koorie Heritage Trust case management services.
Delivery of an annual Premier’s Gathering and a public report on outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians to be tabled in parliament number 2 2 0%
Number of family history investigations conducted by the Victorian Koorie Family History Service on behalf of members of the Stolen Generations number 240 307 28%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased demand for services from Stolen Generations’ survivors and their families.
Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council meetings conducted within legislative timeframes number 6 6 0%
Engagement of Victorian Traditional Owner groups on treaty, through support for country planning number 4 3 –25%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target due to the recruitment of three of the four planned Traditional Owner engagement officers to support access to nation-building activities in areas without formal recognition of Traditional Owner groups.

Removal of first mortgages on titles of property owned by Aboriginal community-controlled organisations

number 6 7 17%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to an increase in first mortgages removed.
Funding payments for the Removal of First Mortgages initiative made in accordance with milestones per cent 100 93 –7%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target because the final payments for two projects have been delayed due to unanticipated capital works issues and changes in project timing. DPC has worked closely with both organisations and these final milestone payments have been cancelled and will be reissued through new funding agreements.
Funding payments for the Cultural Strengthening initiative made in accordance with milestones per cent 100 100 0%
Funding payments to Strengthen Cultural Heritage Protection and Management initiative made in accordance with milestones per cent 100 100 0%
Funding payments for the Community Infrastructure Program made in accordance with milestones per cent 100 100 0%
Funding payments for Community Capacity and Co-Design made in accordance with milestones per cent 100 100 0%
Funding of activities to support Traditional Owner self-determination in accordance with scheme design per cent 100 100 0%
Participation of Aboriginal people in Local Aboriginal Networks number 2,800 2,705 –3%
Assessments completed by Aboriginal Victoria within the legislative timeframe: cultural heritage management plans, cultural heritage permits, preliminary Aboriginal heritage tests per cent 100 100 0%
Elections held in accordance with timelines agreed with the Victorian Treaty Advancement Commission per cent 100 100 0%
Koorie Heritage Trust initiative grants acquitted within the timeframe specified in the funding agreements per cent 100 100 0%
Total output cost $ million 53.3 55.7 4.5%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

○ Performance target not achieved — within 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Multicultural affairs policy and programs

This output provides policy advice on Multicultural Affairs, settlement coordination for newly arrived migrants and refugees and delivers programs to support Victoria’s whole of government approach to multiculturalism. It coordinates the monitoring of government departments’ responsiveness to Victorians from culturally, linguistically and religiously diverse backgrounds.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Consultations with culturally and linguistically diverse communities number 90 128 42%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to an increased number of consultations with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in response to community needs during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Number of strategic and research partnerships that support portfolio outcomes number 30 38 27%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to an increased number of partnerships developed during the year as the government looks to collaborate more closely with leading multicultural sector organisations in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and to support family violence prevention.
Victorian population engaged by multicultural and social cohesion initiatives per cent 67 n/a n/a n/a
The 2019–20 actual has not been measured because the Victorian. And Proud of It. campaign did not continue in 2019–20.
Attendance at the Cultural Diversity Week flagship event, Victoria’s Multicultural Festival number 55,000 n/a n/a n/a
The 2019–20 actual has not been measured because the Victorian Multicultural Festival was not held due to the coronavirus (COVID‑19) pandemic.
Proportion of approved grant funding provided to organisations in regional/rural areas per cent 20 13 –35%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target due to a smaller than expected application rate from regional and rural Victoria due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Total output cost $ million 59.2 59.7 0.8%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

○ Performance target not achieved — within 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Support to veterans in Victoria

This output provides coordination of veteran‑related issues at a state level, especially in relation to commemoration, education programs, grant programs, research and veteran welfare. This output supports the Shrine of Remembrance and the Victorian Veterans Council.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Entries received: Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize number 250 308 23%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased marketing and therefore participation by schools in the program.
Community engagement: Shrine ceremonial activities, public and student education programs, tours and general visitation number 750,000 885,648 18%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target despite closures to the Shrine in 2020. The Last Post service in November 2019 resulted in the increased attendance.
Number of veterans employed in the Victorian public sector number 540 573 6%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased promotion of the Victorian Government as an employer of choice and new programs developed to support veterans interested in public sector employment.
Number of ex-service organisation training or information sessions delivered number 4 5 25%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to an identified need to hold an additional training and information session for an ex-service organisation in a regional location.
Commemorative and educative projects meet agreed project objectives per cent 100 100 0%
Deliver an annual program of grants within agreed, published timelines per cent 100 100 0%
Total output cost $ million 7.7 9.6 24.7%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target primarily due to the Treasurer’s Advance provided for the ANZAC Appeal.

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

LGBTIQ equality policy and programs

This output provides for the delivery of programs and services to promote equality for LGBTIQ Victorians and to support these communities’ economic, social and civic participation.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Number of people engaged with LGBTIQ equality projects and consultations number 10,000 21,149 111%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to the widespread communication of high-profile events, including the ChillOut Festival, held before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Number of trans and gender diverse (TGD) organisations engaged through establishing a TGD Peer Support Program number 10 40 300%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to a higher than expected number of a broad range of TGD organisations engaged.
Proportion of LGBTIQ grant program recipients who met or exceeded agreed outcomes per cent 85 96 13%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to strong engagement between DPC and grant recipients to support delivery of projects.
Payments for events made in accordance with DPC milestones per cent 100 100 0%
Total output cost $ million 9.8 18.2 85.7%
The 2019–20 actual was higher than the 2019–20 target primarily due to a Treasurer’s Advance payment that was approved for the Victorian Pride Centre.

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Women’s policy

This output provides initiatives that support women and the prevention of family violence and supports the economic, social and civic participation and inclusion of all Victorians.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Number of meetings, forums and events held for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence consultation/engagement with key stakeholders number 174 462 166%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased stakeholder engagement following the enactment of the Gender Equality Act, in addition to greater stakeholder consultations held remotely.
Number of women participating in funded programs, projects and events number 1,575 6,816 333%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to delivering many programs digitally and therefore reaching a wider audience during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Percentage of women in new appointments to paid public boards per cent 50 53 6%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased advocacy and awareness in the gender pay gap resulting in more women appointed to paid public boards.
Women and the Prevention of Family Violence service agreements and contracts deliver agreed outcomes for preventing family violence and for the social and economic participation of women per cent 100 98 –2%
Timely delivery of policy analysis and papers prepared per cent 100 100 0%
Women and the Prevention of Family Violence projects and programs that support preventing family violence and the social and economic participation of women are delivered on time per cent 100 82 –18%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target due to Victorian bushfire and coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts on stakeholders that delayed the start and completion of projects, which often meant changes in program delivery.
Total output cost $ million 26.3 25.4 –3.4%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

○ Performance target not achieved — within 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance


This output leads and coordinates whole of government policy advice and delivers a range of initiatives for young people aged between 12 and 25 years to gain a range of skills and experiences and to actively participate in their local communities.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Participation by young people in programs that provide opportunities to be involved in social and economic life in their communities number 240,000 257,705 7%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to higher than anticipated attendance figures at 60 FReeZA community festivals attended by more than 58,000 people.
Participation by young people in programs that support young people to be involved in decision-making in their community number 2,300 2,068 –10%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target due to the postponement of Victorian Youth Week, which is a key contributor of young people’s involvement in decision-making in their community.
Number of Scout Hall capital projects completed number > 2 0 –100%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target because program commencement has been delayed, affecting the completion of works on the two sites.
Participants reporting development of transferrable skills that support education, training and vocational opportunities per cent 75 93 24%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to more young people participating in the Advance program reporting transferrable skills than estimated.
Percentage of programs delivered within agreed timeframes per cent 90 97 8%
The 2019–20 estimate is higher than the 2019–20 target due to DPC’s strong engagement with funded providers across Youth portfolio programs to ensure delivery within agreed timeframes.
Total output cost $ million 27.4 29.1 6.2%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target primarily due to the release of funding from contingency for the Partnerships Addressing Disadvantage program.

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Advice and support to the Governor

This output provides advice and support to the Governor and maintenance to Government House and its collections as a heritage asset of national importance.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Increase in the annual number of guests and visitors to Government House per cent 5 –22 –540%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target because Stay at Home directions during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic meant it was not possible to have visitors at Government House.
Maintenance of Government House in accordance with the asset management strategy per cent 79 79 0%
Standard, physical appearance of gardens and grounds are maintained in accordance with contract key performance indicators per cent 85 85 0%
Support the Governor’s community engagement activities by arranging all internal and external events in a timely manner per cent 100 100 0%
Total output cost $ million 16.8 16.3 –3.0%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Chief Parliamentary Counsel services

This output provides Bills for introduction in parliament including: providing quality and timely legislative drafting services; hard copy and electronic publication of Acts and statutory rules; and maintaining a database of Victorian legislation and legislative information at

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Formal advice provided on legislation number 465 534 15%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to approximately 12 Bills having multiple sets of drafting instructions requiring an increased amount of formal advice.
Number of Acts and statutory rules published electronically and in hard copy without error per cent 96 99 3%
Statutory rules made and Bills prepared and introduced into parliament number 220 250 14%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to a significantly higher number of statutory rules made during the year.
Number of sets of House Amendments drafted for MPs number 60 88 47%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to the significant number of House amendments made for a small number of Bills.
Number of Bills and statutory rules drafted or settled that meet the required standard per cent 97 99 2%
Bills and statutory rules drafted or settled within the required timeframe per cent 97 99 2%
Electronically published versions of principal Acts and statutory rules published within three business days of coming into operation and new Acts and statutory rules published within 24 hours of making per cent 96 77 –20%
The 2019–20 actual is lower than the 2019–20 target due to the large number of versions published in the November to December period, many of which were also highly complex and involved significant changes.
Total output cost $ million 7.4 7.2 –2.7%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

✗ Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Management of Victoria’s public records

This output provides direction to government on the management of public records and ensures the historical memory of the Victorian Government endures, is secure and is accessible.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Collection usage: utilisation of physical and digital records held by Public Record Office Victoria number 2,900,000 5,443,122 88%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to increased online traffic, with the main increase due to searches of divorce records and general increases during coronavirus (COVID-19) Stay at Home orders.
Satisfaction with services provided by Public Record Office Victoria to government agencies and to the public per cent 90 92 2%
Provision of services within published timeframes per cent 95 91 –4%
Total output cost $ million 17.2 17.6 2.3%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

○ Performance target not achieved — within 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Public administration advice and support

This output, through the Victorian Public Sector Commission, provides advice and support on issues relevant to public administration, governance, service delivery and workforce matters; undertakes related research, data collection, reporting and dissemination of information; advocates for an apolitical and professional public sector; monitors compliance with the public sector values, employment principles, codes and standards; and conducts related reviews and makes recommendations to public sector body heads.

Performance measure Unit 2019–20 target 2019–20 actual Variance Result
Percentage of new executives participating in the VPSC induction program per cent 78 78 0%
Percentage of agencies that interacted with VPSC and that indicated VPSC advice and support assisted them to improve integrity capability per cent 85 85 0%
Overall participant satisfaction with the Victorian Leadership Academy per cent 80 85 6%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to higher levels of overall satisfaction from program participants.
Overall satisfaction with engagement, consultation and responsiveness from the VPSC GRADS team per cent 85 90 6%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to higher levels of satisfaction with engagement, consultation and responsiveness from the VPSC GRADS team.
Stakeholder satisfaction with the quality of advice from the Remuneration Tribunal on determinations per cent 80 85 6%
The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to strong stakeholder feedback about advice on public sector executive remuneration.
Proportion of data collection and reporting activities completed within target timeframes per cent 100 100 0%
Advice from the Remuneration Tribunal provided within 15 working days of receipt of submission per cent 90 92 2%
Total output cost $ million 10.1 9.9 –2.0%

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

State electoral roll and electoral events

This output, through the Victorian Electoral Commission, provides a high‑quality electoral system that supports democracy in Victoria through the administration of an accurate and secure electoral roll, electoral services to ensure fair and equitable representation, the conduct of fair and impartial elections and encouraging greater participation in civic life through education and awareness activities and improving ease of access.

Performance measure


2019–20 target

2019–20 actual




State elections, municipal and statutory elections, by-elections, polls and electoral representation reviews






Legal challenges to Victorian Electoral Commission conduct upheld






Changes to electors’ details or additions to the Victorian Electoral Register are processed within set timeframes

per cent




The 2019–20 actual is higher than the 2019–20 target due to strong resource planning and activities actioned within set timeframes.


Total output cost

$ million




The 2019–20 actual is under the 2019–20 target due to the delay in electoral activity due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Results legend

✔ Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way
