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Community Food Relief Program – Local Grants

Who can apply:
Not-for-profit groups
$10,000 - $75,000

The Victorian Government’s Community Food Relief Program – Local Grants supports local food relief activities and food security initiatives delivered by neighbourhood houses, community and volunteer-led organisations across Victoria.

The recipients of the Community Food Relief Program – Local Grants have been announced.

You can download the full list of Local Grant recipients from this page, to see who received a grant in your local area.

The Local Grants complement the Community Food Relief Program – Coordination Grants, announced on 24 October 2024, which provided up to $250,000 to four large scale food relief providers to strengthen partnerships and delivery of food relief across the state.

The Community Food Relief Program will make a tangible difference to Victorians experiencing cost-of-living pressures by getting healthy and culturally appropriate food relief where it’s needed most.

The Victorian Government has invested over $56 million since 2020 to combat food insecurity across Victoria, including $4.5 million to deliver the new Community Food Relief Program.

