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Successful grants

If your application is successful, project details (project name, description and successful grant amount) will be published on the 2024-25 Chinese Community Infrastructure Fund website.

Funding agreements

If successful, you must enter a Victorian Common Funding Agreement (VCFA) with the department within a specified timeframe. If a funding offer is not accepted during this period, it may be withdrawn. The VCFA outlines:

  • the grant’s terms and conditions, including use of funds
  • key milestones, deliverables and due dates
  • that all funded activities must be completed by or earlier than the date specified in the VCFA
  • reporting requirements – organisations will need to submit all grant reports (progress and final reports), including photographs and a financial acquittal, with final invoices and evidence that these invoices have been paid. Department staff may also visit the sites of funded projects.

Funding conditions

Successful organisations will be paid based on completing project milestones and deliverables, as outlined in the VCFA. The final payment will not be approved and processed until all requirements are completed to the department’s satisfaction.

A note about GST

If your organisation is registered for GST, you will be paid GST on top of the amount awarded.

If your organisation is not registered for GST, you will receive just the grant amount awarded. GST will not be added on top.

Acknowledging the Victorian Government's support

Successful organisations need to acknowledge the Victorian Government’s support of your project. Promotional guidelines form part of the VCFA. They include the requirement that all activities acknowledge Victorian Government support through logo presentation on any activity-related publications, media releases, social media or promotional material.
