If you're passionate about making a positive difference to the lives of children and young people, a career in child protection is for you. As an essential worker, you’ll have an opportunity to make real change in communities, keeping children safe and families strong. You'll find it challenging, rewarding and always changing.
You will draw on your personal skills including:
- thinking analytically
- coming up with creative solutions
- working well under pressure
- collaborating with a diverse group of people towards a common goal.
Careers in child protection can range from case practice support workers to expert practice leaders. Your career will benefit from professional development, education and on-the-job training. You will be well supported as you work with others to make decisions that benefit the lives of Victorian children and families.
Together, we’ll address changing needs
We’re building a better future for children, young people and families. Our Roadmap for Reform: Strong families, safe children commits us to focusing on prevention and early intervention. It is a family-centred approach that addresses the needs of children and parents.
Why this work is important
Child protection is one of the most rewarding helping professions. It is challenging and open to scrutiny, and we make a difference to children and families every day. Our staff are our greatest asset as we focus on keeping children safe and at home with families whenever possible.

Child protection jobs - roles and responsibilities
Child protection practitioners work for the Victorian Government to investigate the safety and wellbeing of children at risk. They receive and assess reports of alleged child abuse and neglect from the community.

Child protection jobs - who we're looking for
Child protection work is rewarding, fulfilling, challenging and demanding. We’re looking for professionals who are confident and resilient, with a strong sense of social justice.

Child protection jobs - our stories
Hear from child protection workers who are committed to keeping children safe.