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List of figures

Figure 3.1: Enquiries through the information sharing reforms dedicated enquiry line (phone) and inbox (email).

Figure 3.2: Email enquiries in relation to online training through the LMS.

Figure 3.3: Proportion of workforces indicating their organisation had policies covering child information sharing prior to and following commencement of the CIS Scheme.

Figure 3.4: Workforce perceptions of information sharing policies.

Figure 3.5: Workforce attitudes towards information sharing.

Figure 3.6: Proportion of survey respondents by changes to organisational record keeping before and after implementation of the CIS Scheme.

Figure 5.1: Frequency of refusals of incoming requests to share information among prescribed workforces.

Figure 5.2: Reasons for refusals of incoming requests to share information among prescribed workforces.

Figure 5.3: Frequency of refusals of outgoing requests for information among prescribed workforces.

Figure 5.4: Reasons for refusals of outgoing requests for information among prescribed workforces.

Figure 5.5: Workforces’ perceived effectiveness of information sharing to support child wellbeing, before and after CIS Scheme.

Figure 5.6: Enhanced ability to promote child wellbeing.
