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Chapter 3: Legislation and regulations

The legislative structure around MARAM is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Overview of legislation, policy, and frameworks

  • Download 'Figure 2: Overview of legislation, policy, and frameworks'

Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (VIC) Part 11

  • Empowers responsible Minister to approve framework
  • Requirement on framework organisations to align policies, procedures, practice guidance and tools with the approved framework

Obligations on Ministers: reporting; review of Framework; legislative review


5 year reviews

  1. Must assess whether the framework reflects current evidence-based best practice (up to every five years)
  2. Must assess the extent to which the legislation is achieving consistency in family violence risk assessment and management (after first five years)

2 year review

  1. Considering whether the Framework has been implemented as planned.



Family Violence Protection (Information Sharing and Risk Management) Amendment Regulations 2018.

  • Defines prescribed matters for Ministers to report on, relating to implementation and operation of the framework by framework organisations
  • Prescribes framework organisations.

Legislative instrument

Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework.

Defines what Framework organisations should align to:

  • A set of principles reflecting the values underpinning the Framework
  • Four pillars, each with Framework requirements, setting out the objectives of the Framework.


MARAM Framework

  • Provides evidence base and policy direction
  • Describes system architecture and accountability mechanisms
  • Expands on the pillars in the legislative instrument


Supporting resources

  • Operational Practice Guidance for risk assessment and management for Victim Survivors, Adults Using Family Violence, Child and Young People (pending).
  • Guidance for organisations and change leaders, including development of a maturity model approach to alignment.
  • Training for practitioners and organisational leaders (Victim Survivors, Adults Using Family Violence, Children and Young People, Collaborative Practice, Leading Alignment).

Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (VIC) PART 5A

  • Empowers responsible Minister to approve Ministerial Guidelines;
  • Authorises ISEs to share information for risk assessment or protection purposes;
  • Legislated review



Family Violence Protection (Information Sharing and Risk Management Amendment Regulations 2018)

  • Prescribes Information Sharing Entities authorising sharing under Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme.


Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme Guidelines

Provides information on the operation of the legislation and guidance on appropriate information sharing.


Supporting resources

  • Guidance checklists and templates supporting practice.
  • Links to MARAM Practice Guides
