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What government will do - Ageing well in Victoria action plan

Action areas

To address the priority issues of older people, the government will deliver on this action plan in four priority areas.

Priority action area 1: Resilient, connected seniors


Older people have a sense of purpose through social, cultural, and intergenerational connections.

Priority action area 2: Tech-savvy seniors


Older Victorians can take part in the digital world. Those who can’t do not experience discrimination, and can access services via other means.

Priority action area 3: Valuing senior Victorians


Reduced ageism and increased visibility and appreciation of older people as valued and contributing Victorian citizens.

Priority action area 4: Health self-care


Healthcare advances driven by the pandemic improve the health of older people and their ability to protect themselves.

An ‘ageing well lens’

To strengthen the vision and actions of this action plan, the government will encourage an ‘ageing well lens’ in all government services and programs. This means factoring in the diverse needs of people of all ages and their different abilities into program and service design and delivery.

For example, Safer Care Victoria is undertaking work on age-friendly health services. A trial of improved responses for older cardiovascular patients is building in health self-care elements. During 2022, Safer Care Victoria will consult with the Senior Victorians Advisory Group on how to better include the consumer voice of older people in health service design. This will include more diverse older consumers’ voices.

Senior Victorians without access to digital technology face challenges accessing online services. This heightened during the pandemic when many in-person services shut down. To help people without online access, government departments will be requested to develop alternatives to online access. This will target services for seniors and key social services that currently provide online access only.

For example, as part of its rollout of the March 2022 Victorian Travel Scheme, the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions designed a Seniors Travel Voucher Scheme. Under the scheme, a portion of the vouchers were set aside specifically for seniors. Seniors Card holders could apply online for five days. (This is instead of the first come, first served Statewide Travel Voucher Scheme where vouchers were exhausted in under an hour.) Seniors got support from a dedicated call centre to help with their applications.
