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Resources for ACFE Regional Councils

Resources to assist Regional Councils to fulfil their governance role and support the operation of the ACFE Board.

On this page

Regional Councils' role

Regional Councils draw together people with different skills, expertise and local knowledge about adult education, industry and local communities. The role of a council member is to advise the ACFE Board on the needs of adult education across their region.

In particular, Regional Councils play an important role in:

  • providing strategic advice and local intelligence to the ACFE Board
  • promotion and advocacy of the Learn Local sector, fostering collaboration and partnerships between Learn Local providers and key regional stakeholders.

Context for Regional Council operation

Adult community education (ACE) plays an important role in Victoria’s broader post-secondary education sector. The Ministerial Statement on the Future of ACE in Victoria 2020–25 (the Statement) establishes a 6-year reform agenda for the ACFE Board.

The Statement sets ambitious aspirations and goals for the Board the Learn Local sector. It gives the sector recognition and strategic direction. The Statement also guides sectoral collaboration to improve the lives of adult Victorians through the provision of local, place-based and flexible training.Following the release of the Ministerial Statement, the Board developed the ACFE Board Strategy 2020–25. It is the primary means of delivering on the Statement, and positions and strengthens the sector’s role in post-secondary education across Victoria.

Resources to support Regional Councils

The resources and templates provided on this page are designed to assist individual Regional Council members and each Regional Council to build an understanding of their governance responsibilities and to guide them in providing strategic advice to the ACFE Board and assist them in their role advocating for the Learn Local sector:

About ACFE Regional Councils
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Regional Council Membership
Word 101.16 KB
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Regional Council administration
Word 101.21 KB
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Regional Council member induction
Word 94.51 KB
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Providing strategic advice to the ACFE Board
Word 94.97 KB
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Consulting with stakeholders
Word 101.09 KB
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Managing Conflict of Interest as a Regional Council member
Word 96.35 KB
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Regional Council self-assessment tool
Word 105.42 KB
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Regional Council-ACFE Board reporting template
Word 31.15 KB
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Regional Council Skills Matrix
Excel 41.33 KB
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Regional Council work plan template 2023
PDF 217.25 KB
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Regional Council Chairperson's role statement
Word 110.77 KB
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