Outcomes and Objectives
Themes guide the experience each outcome will provide.
Outcome: Better, fairer and more accessible services.
- experiences that support and empower everyone
- low/no touch, effortless interactions
- universally accessible government services
- secure, trusted and reliable services.
Digital empowered communities. How we engage individuals, communities and businesses.
Simple, easy and connected. Striving for a coordinated and collaborative approach across government so that all decision making is human-centred, driven by data, informed and connected. This results in the delivery of more effective, fairer, accessible and targeted services.
Outcome: A digital-ready public sector.
- evidence-based decision-making
- co-designed policy
- responsive, resilient, connected government
- simplified operations that maximise human talent
- digital mindsets, skills and ways of working
- digital ethics, privacy and security.
The changing public sector. How we improve operations, work collaboratively with partners and develop a future workforce now.
Working together to solve key challenges. Striving for a Victoria where government services are delivered by a digital-ready public sector supported by flexible workspaces and accessible digital tools.
Outcome: A thriving digital economy.
- digital literacy and inclusion
- a connected, thriving regional and rural economy
- seamless digital interactions with business and beyond
- future-ready, resilient industries
- a magnet for talent and investment.
The role of government in the digital economy. How we attract talent, upskill individuals and businesses, create jobs and bridge the digital divide. Easy to do business with and for government.
Easy to do business with and for government. Businesses are supported to thrive through equal opportunities to apply for, win and deliver government contracts. Interaction with the Victorian Government is streamlined, simple and personalised, removing barriers and ensuring businesses can focus on what’s important to them.