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Minister’s foreword

Foreword by the Minister for Government Services

Every Victorian will have their own experience with digital technology.

You might be studying STEM at university or using tech to connect with your family or do your job. You could be paying bills or updating registrations, or maybe to you, digital technology is a big unknown.

We’re taking these collective experiences to ask the question: what does Victoria’s digital future look like?

The Victorian Government’s Digital Strategy 2021-2026 seeks to answer this question. It provides a blueprint for how we will accelerate change and invest in the digital infrastructure and skills we need to serve the people and businesses of Victoria over the next five years.

We want digital to be fully embedded in how we serve the Victorian community so our people can benefit from, and be empowered by, secure, inclusive digital services.

This year, we established Digital Victoria, a new entity in government to oversee our digital transformation agenda and lead this strategy. But digital transformation is a team effort and that’s why this is a whole of government Strategy because we’ll achieve the best outcomes by working together.

Our vision is supported by three key pillars: better, fairer, and more accessible services, a digital-ready public sector, and a thriving digital economy.

And our commitment is to continue to improve how government operates and foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning across the public sector. With the best technology, infrastructure, and skills, we can deliver the best outcomes for Victorians.

We’re building Victoria’s digital future, now and we want you to be a part of it.

Danny Pearson

Minister for Government Services

Foreword by the Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy

The past year has demonstrated the resilience of Victorian businesses and our entire community. It has highlighted our ability to adapt and innovate throughout the pandemic. This past year has shown us that connectivity is not a luxury it is a necessity. You cannot fully participate in our society without being able to get online.

From the local greengrocer moving to click-and-collect, from kids learning at home, to small and medium businesses enabling their workforce to work from home, or our local tech startups that have continued to scale and take their products to the world. Victorian businesses and individuals are capitalising on technology to create new opportunities and drive economic growth.

The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring our State is an innovation powerhouse and a digital leader. By boosting our digital and technology capability, we will touch every business, large and small, connecting Victoria with global markets so they can compete with the world’s best.

The Victorian Government’s Digital Strategy 2021-2026 sets our ambition to propel Victoria forward into the future through investment in digital infrastructure and skills that are critical to deliver on our social and economic agendas.

It also highlights the importance of bringing all Victorians along in this accelerated digital transition.

Through this strategy we are making a strong commitment to building future ready and resilient industries. We are driving connectivity and innovation in regional and rural communities and ensuring seamless digital interactions between government, businesses and the community.

We will support businesses to apply new technologies so that Victoria builds competitive industries that have impact on the local and global stage. And we will make it easier for Victorian businesses to partner with government.

These initiatives will position Victoria as a leading digital economy and ensure we are ready to tackle future challenges and capitalise on new opportunities.

Jaala Pulford

Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy
