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2.2 Continuing off-track trend over repeated quarters

Summary of outcome indicators and measures that represent an off-track trend over repeated quarters.

CFA: Decrease average time spent suppressing structure fires (time spent on scene of incident)

CFA has not met the baseline for this indicator since Q2, 2022-23 (Figure 3).

CFA recorded a result of 77 minutes and 40 seconds this quarter. This is an increase of 17 minutes and 21 seconds on the quarterly baseline of 60 minutes and 19 seconds.

As noted previously, there are many factors that can influence this result that are not easily evaluated quarter-on-quarter. These factors include fire progression at time of arrival, structure type, timeline of support services such as utilities, and the presence of hazardous materials.

CFA advised that this quarter’s result was impacted by several complex structure fires, including in factories, double-story residential dwellings, and in shopping complexes, impacting multiple buildings.

Figure 3: Decrease average time spent suppressing structure fires (time spent on scene of incident)

  • Download 'Figure 3: Decrease average time spent suppressing structure fires (time spent on scene of incident)'

FRV: Percentage of response to structure fire incidents within 7.7 minutes (target 90 per cent)

FRV did not meet its target of 90 per cent for the fifteenth consecutive quarter.

This quarter, FRV responded to 88.4 per cent of structure fire incidents within 7.7 minutes (Figure 4). While FRV did not met its target, this quarter’s result is the highest recorded result since Q1, 2022-23.

FRV note that while the number of reported structure fires was similar in Q3 and Q4 2023-24, the overall demand was 8 per cent less in Q4 compared to Q3 2023-24. FRV attribute this decrease in overall demand to increased availability in the system and improved response times in this quarter.

FRV also advise that work is underway to review its current capability and capacity and to identify practical interventions that will deliver improved response times.

Figure 4: Percentage of response to structure fire incidents within 7.7 minutes (target 90 per cent)

  • Download 'Figure 4: Percentage of response to structure fire incidents within 7.7 minutes (target 90 per cent)'
