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2023-24 Quarter 4 Fire Services Outcomes Framework Progress Report

Published by:
Fire Services Implementation Monitor

This report is informed by the Country Fire Authority’s (CFA) and Fire Rescue Victoria’s (FRV) respective outcomes framework progress updates for quarter 4, 2023-24 (1 April to 31 July 2024).

This quarter, CFA reported on all 36 quarterly and annual outcome metrics and FRV reported on 41 quarterly and annual outcome metrics.

CFA and FRV results are reported by exception under FSIM’s reporting criteria:

Demonstrates a notable achievement

  • CFA: Increase in the number of volunteers involved in corporate governance arrangements at regions and districts (indicator 4.2.1).
  • FRV: Successful recruitment and retention of women firefighters (measure 3.2.1f).

Continuing off-track trend over repeated quarters

  • CFA: Decrease average time spent suppressing structure fires (time spent on scene of incident) (indicator 2.2.3).
  • FRV: Percentage of response to structure fire incidents within 7.7 minutes (target 90 per cent) (measure 2.1.3a).

Significant change from the previous quarter (positive or negative)

  • CFA: Decrease in workplace injuries (staff and volunteers) (indicator 3.1.2) - reflecting a positive change.
  • FRV: Total operational fleet availability (measure 2.1.3b) - reflecting a negative change.

FSIM acknowledges CFA and FRV for their ongoing cooperation and active contribution to FSIM’s monitoring and reporting activities.
